which is better?

what do you think is better: Rabbit-Proof Fence or The Quiet American?

-I think The Quiet American


erm, i haven't seen the Rabbit-Proof Fence, but i thought The Quiet American was ecellent :D

The Libran Dragon is a chic creature, quite cultured and cultivated. :)




I hate to wimp out on this, but I think I may like both as much..they ARE both pretty different films. I feel like Rabbit Proof Fence, while a simpler film, was perhaps a more emotional experience, at least for me. Yet The Quiet American had a more complex plot and such a brilliant performance by Michael Caine and, in fact, may be the best of his career...and that's saying something!



No...Blame It On Rio was his LUCKIEST role...if you know what I mean.




