passage of time

The events in this story unfolded over a period of several months. I don't think this was well conveyed n the movie. The impression I received, as I left the theatre, was that it could have all happened within a couple of weeks. Did anyone else feel this?


awwwwwwww no! thats well mean! i think its a brilliant film! i love Brendan Fraser and i love this film, it kept me all 'ooooooo'd' (if thats the word) but c'mon i thought it was excelent!


You have a good point. It's a very good movie but yes, the passage of time between events is not made clear. You had to look for clues to figure out just how much time had past between certain scenes and sometimes it was just too ambiguous to tell. A small quibble with an otherwise outstanding film.


it captured the tone of the place well. murky. moody. smoky.

Golf clap? Golf clap.


They did mention that months had passed a couple times.
