MovieChat Forums > S.W.A.T. (2003) Discussion > How is it possible?!?!

How is it possible?!?!

How can more people have rated this film a 10 than have rated it 1? how can more people have rated it 9 than rated it 2? What am I missing here? I thought this was one of the most God-awful pieces of crap I have ever seen (In fact, I rate this as the worst film I've seen, with all due respect to the Director and writer). The script was cliched and dull, Michelle Rodriguez's character was excruciating to watch, and apart from a few technical achievements, there was nothing positive I could find in this film at all.

If anyone wants to show me why I'm wrong, please do. I'd love to know what I'm not seeing in this film that other people are enjoying...


cannot agree more, didn't see so bad movie in a long time. burry thisone forme, please.


Haha...Pretty much every movie Sam L Jackson is in goes under my list of "Best Worst Movies". This movie was so retarded while being so much fun. Its really one of those movies where you can turn off your brain. I don't disagree with a single word you said but I enjoyed it because of the sheer retardation. I went to see Lakeview Terrace for the Samuel L Jackson one liners. Was it one of the worst movies ever? of course. Was it totally awesome? certainly. You must be have at least one guilty pleasure movie.


something tells me you werent around for the 80's

you'd probably have killed yourself then.


Born in nope


Born in '88 makes you a 90's kids like me ('91). My li'l bro was born on '97 and he himself admits he's not a 90's kid. So, sorry to burst your bubble kid. That's in terms of when your infantile self was gone anyways. 1990 = 2 yrs old. Seriously?


Born in 81, but I was too young to have any discernment back then... I still have a soft spot for 80's films. In fact, i've been doing an occasional 80's night with my housemate. Watched "Better off dead", "teen Wolf", "revenge of the Nerds" and "The Adventures of Ford Fairlane". Had a great time with all of those, but I know there would be piles of stuff that wouldn't have survived the conversion from VHS to DVD.... Having said that, I still don't get what some people see in this film.



Well everyone is entitled to their own opinion (though I agree with George Carlin with the fact that, in my opinion you don't have one, but that's besides the point), so with that out, I wouldn't call this movie complete crap but at the same time I wouldn't admit to a whole lot of people that I find some (I stress the point *some*) of this movie tolerable. Maybe because I'm buzzed right now, but I would say this movie gets a 5.5 possibly even a 6.2 on my scale... that's pretty high for me considering the movie. Anyways, like previously mentioned everyone needs their guilty pleasures... so call this one mine ;)

just cause I conform doesn't mean I can't stand out.


If you HONESTLY and SINCERCLY consider this as the worst movie you have ever seen or even seen recently then you really should go down to your video store and view a few more films. SWAT wasn’t the best movie but to say it’s the worst movie you have seen is hilarious.

'Before you judge a movie as "Bad" Ask yourself.."What would I rather watch this or the Happening?"


I agree...

I think that the movie itself was really bad, but to rank it as the worst piece of crap ever is... quite wrong. I've seen a lot of worse movies.

However, I watched SWAT yesterday at night, and I honestly would like back that couple of sleep hours!

I think I should go to bed early tonight !


Oh give me a break. You all are crying about nothing. You know what? You people want a movie where you can cry or laugh to, then go watch something to the extent of "P.S. I Love You" or "Borat". This is a MOVIE, full of action and not necessarily meant to be realistic, reflect real-world (those are reality TV shows/movies), and obviously isn't meant for everyone. Stop crying. If you don't like it, don't watch it.


Church ^^^^^^^^^^


If you did not like the film, then why are you trolling around the forums stirring up trouble? You do realize that you are about to incite a flame war and the only thing you can do is walk away...walk away now before you get someone upset who has as much free time that you have to troll around these fourms for hours on end. Fortunately for you I am not that person. I am ill-equipped in engaging in a war of words with you. However, I must add that Michelle Rodriguez is very annoying and I don't know why I keep seeing her in action films. Bloodrayne, Resident Evil, Fast and the Furious. She is like a very bad case of the crabs that won't go away.



Hmmm, I'll give Meteor a watch then and see. I'm not hugely knowledgeable in my film viewing but this one still ranks as the worst ever in my books. That's not to say there aren't worse out there, but it's just terrible.

P.S. not trying to incite an argument about it or troll. I'm genuinely interested to know what people are seeing in this film.


It isn't a quality film, but it is still fun. There are a bunch of mindless movies that I like unapologetically.


Its still better than Avatar.


It is by no means the 'perfect film'. It certainly isn't 'Pi' but it's a damn fine film that you can just watch without thinking too much. It's a fun film to watch. Nothing more.


You're just slightly more intelligent than the average movie goer, fabrice. This movie was a total waste of celluloid.
