Real sex...?

I am just do you tell your partner, husbadn/wife, significant other, what have you, that you are going to have sex with a complete stranger infront of a camera crew for a film?

I am a filmmaker and I just don't see the art in this.


I agree wojo. Movies like this would make me alot more hesitant to date an actress, let alone marry one.


Read Kerry Fox's boyfriend's reaction to her actually shagging on film, which included "rehersals":,,511246,00.html


After reading that I have the impression that her bf is pretty delusional.


your write kerrys boyfriend thought it was for the good of the film and didnt have a problem with it.


After reading that I have the impression that her bf is pretty delusional.
my thoughts exactly. especially these parts:

"When shooting began, the strains on Kerry became apparent. [...] But there is no question that the sex scenes, concentrated into a single week of filming, were the most demanding. She described it as exhaustively "grafting your way through scene work". The floor was hard, giving her carpet burns. She would come home exhausted and almost ill. [...] Kerry and Mark needed time gradually to pull themselves out of a punishing experience."

"To do it, she says, she had to tap random different memories to come by her performance."


Very odd.

Delusional to try and claim the requirement to actually have sex with someone on set (rather than just have it staged / "acted" out) as an artistic endeavour...

It's actually worse than being in porn as that is their actual job. This is simply an unnecessary sellout of oneself for no real purpose.


totally agree wojo.

I still don't see why anyone would marry a porn star.


This is a very interesting point!!!! ive never really thought about this before now.


I am curious about this. Why would you not marry a porn star, exactly?

Assuming I marry a porn star who does love me and is dedicated to me, what exactly do I lose when she has sex with others?

There is the health concern, of course, but I don't think that's what you meant, right? In an STD-free world, am I right to assume you would still not marry a porn star? If so, why exactly?

Thanks for your attention.


simple...monogamy and jealously.


There is more to a marriage than sexual attraction, that's for sure. But it's still a big part. Yeah you can still love each other but in the back of your head you always feel that jealousy


I hold no negative view on any of these people...especially if they were not in a relationship at the time of filming...but I personaly could never allow my woman to go that far...nudity is one hell of a feat, but one can over come though, for all the world to see? Hell no


Allow? Consideration for one's partner is certainly important. However, ultimately, obviously, the decision is the individual's alone. I don't see how you would allow or disallow anyone, even "your woman," to do anything. We control our own bodies.


Well, when we say we don't "allow" our partners doing something, this is just a different way of saying: if they do this I will break up with them. He can certainly do this.

Not that I think this is the best way to resolve conflicts, but he can do it...



very true, lol
What I mean to say is yes, I would leave...cheating is in the eye of the beholder and if she could not respect my feelings then the relationship would not work out n e who, I understand her job but unless you are a porn star, the actual act is not necessary to make a good film.

and I would *beep* her best friend to spite the bi@tch!
no better way to get over someone than to get under another, HAHA!
yeah, say it now...I am an a$$

but only if you push me, HA



