MovieChat Forums > Unfaithful (2002) Discussion > Did anyone feel bad for Paul?

Did anyone feel bad for Paul?

I know Paul did a terrible thing for hooking up with Connie despite knowing she was married, but I did feel bad when he was murdered. Of course Edward murdered him out of pure anger and I did feel bad for Edward as well. Connie is the most guilty of the 3 and it costs the other 2 men everything.


No I don't feel sorry for him. He looked at the knife in the kitchen when he was getting Edward a drink, which means he wasn't in the least bit sorry and would of killed Edward if the situation called for it. Only thing is I think Connie deserved to die more.


That´s not why he looked at the knife. He was selfish and an *beep* but he wash´t thinking of killing Edward- he was worried that Edward would take the knife because he knows that this is not a man that would take this easily He also weighs his body away from Edward as Edward enters his apartment. He is not quite scared, but weary.



Edward didn't intend to kill him. He just hit him out of anger, without thinking about the consequences. He was overcome with grief and anger, esp holding the paperweight that meant so much to him.

But all men know, or SHOULD know, that when you go messin' with other men's women, you could end up dead.


The film was directed to make you forget about Paul


Initially I felt bad for him, until I realized he was a manipulative predator who bullied Connie thru the whole "relationship" and that he repeatedly used and abused her ~ and (presumably many) other women... and that he did not care one bit what happened to Connie.
He was a truly sleazy son of a bitch that unexpectedly met his inevitable end.

Ironic that when he invited her up to his apt he said "I'm not an ax murderer. I promise!"

Accurate description follow up line would have been:
"I am a cross between a serial rapist and sadistic lover with a hint of exhibitionist stirred in. I will (almost) rape you anywhere anytime I want to get my jollies and discard you like a used kotex when I'm done with you. Do you still want to come up for a band-aid?"


Hey, if you start a fire you better be careful or you can get burned!! Paul actually thought "the world was his oyster" and he could take or do anything he pleased with zero repercussions. sorry my friend you messed with the wrong husband who was not mentally able to deal with his grief. Connie on the other hand was an addict to the sex with different from an alcoholic or cocaine addict. She needed her fix....once she realized she could lose her rich lifestyle and her perfect family she sobered up right quick. she is truly a moron....


Edward did exactly what I would have done in the same situation. However, I would have murked the cheating bitch before going after Paul.


I didn't feel bad for paul at all. He was a terrible person. He didn't even know connie's last name! Then when Edward shows up he practically laughed in his face when he asked how it was going! He made nasty comments like the boring subards! He was almost egging edward on. Sad in reall life there are so many Edwards that get the shaft. (Women/wives included) it always seems to happen to the nicest people. Edward could have gotten away with it because nobody real cared what happened to paul. Connie is even worse then paul of course I can't imagine a relationship continuing after such a mess!


I didn't feel bad for paul at all. He was a terrible person. He didn't even know connie's last name! Then when Edward shows up he practically laughed in his face when he asked how it was going! He made nasty comments like the boring subards! He was almost egging edward on. Sad in reall life there are so many Edwards that get the shaft. (Women/wives included) it always seems to happen to the nicest people. Edward could have gotten away with it because nobody real cared what happened to paul. Connie is even worse then paul of course I can't imagine a relationship continuing after such a mess!


Paul intentionally knocked her down to get her up to his apt. a la shopping cart collision at the grocery store. But advantage to Paul when she's injured and his place is right upstairs, he supposedly is a guy no woman could resist, long haired greezy Frenchman who loves books and poetry. Regardless he was just fishing and she took the bait and he didn't deserve to die, if Connie hadn't given him the globe, he would've moved on...I didn't believe that she was going to stop seeing him regardless of her message when Edward was in the apt...she was herself and still wanted him.


I agree that the one phone call certainly wasn't the end of it for connie she would have definitely kept calling but I have no sympathy for him, he was a creep, with a wife on top of it!


I can't feel sorry for anyone who got to have sex multiple times with Diane Lane. She's definitely worth dying for.


I'm pretty sure murder is above adultry on the evil scale. They all seemed like relatively good people who did bad things. Edward was the best out of all of them and he ended up doing the worst offense.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avenger
