MovieChat Forums > Baise-moi (2000) Discussion > one of worst flicks ever seen by the hum...

one of worst flicks ever seen by the human eye ?.

i hope there are not to many people out there who liked this, they would scare me a hell of a lot more than the two things in this dire piece of cinema. you get your kicks it's sick. IT'S ART YOU SAY, SO WHAT !!!.


Other than Baise-Moi Ive only seen Caligula in this genre and I gotta say that Caligula was much better than Baise-Moi, when I first saw Baise-Moi a month after Caligula, it seemed to me that some people have worked on Caligula so hard to make it a good movie, but Baise-Moi is just a little story told in a specific manner, in some se*ual manner
anyway, both movies were about average, 6/10 for Caligula(at best), 4/10 for Baise-Moi
(as a suggestion, you guys please tell your ratings at the end of your message too, as a conclusion of what you have said)


'Other than Baise-Moi Ive only seen Caligula in this genre and I gotta say that Caligula was much better than Baise-Moi'

'Caligula' and 'Baise Moi' are not of the same 'genre'. the only thing these films have in common is there are sex scenes. Bear in mind that Caligula was made on a large budget with some very respected acting & technical talent. 'Baise Moi' was a low-budget independent prouction directed by a novice and starring two women who had only acted in porn movies before. Bearing this in mind I think the makers of 'Baise Moi' did a respectable job. It is crudely shot due to the directors inexperience, but it has a rawness which perfectly suits the bleak subject matter. This is NOT a porn movie - true porn exists only to create a sense of sexual arousal, and despite the sexual content of 'Baise Moi' does not do this.


All of the porn-movies are *beep* It is NOT art. Sex scenes is never art. Also good movies come with good stories, something with a meaning. These kind of movies do no good in the world either, since they're only out to provoke people.
I'm getting really tired of people that are desperate to provoke others and shock. Why they have the need to, I will never understand.
All I know is that these movies makes you want to wish you never saw it, because they do nothing but show the worst and most depressing in the world. And that is not exactly something anyone needs more of.

If I wanted to watch a porn, I'd buy a porn. Stop disguising porn as art! It isn't and never will be.

(Any movie with a pornstar acting in it, that includes nudity and sex scenes = porn, not art)


Not art. The film has something to say about dominant male society. If you don't like this for the sex, it's because 1. you're Christian, hate sex hence aren't a true human being or 2. you're a white male mysoganist who thinks your social stature makes you superior to others.

Heroes win the battle, cowards win the war.



I liked it. Those chicks were so sick in the head, entertaining stuff and imo pretty stylish in the way of making the stuff they do seem to have no impact on their conscience at all.
And no, it's not porno. The sex obviously wasn't meant to arouse the viewer. I mean, you wouldn't wanna be one of those guys that get killed after the sex right? Another argument: if they wanted this to be a porno they'd have the girls have sex with each other.
Why skip through the sex scenes or show nothing if you're not aiming for a broad public anyways? The sex scenes fit in with the athmosphere of this movie and I think it wouldn't do the movie any good to remove them.
Why would I be sick to like a movie with stuff like this in it? It's not like I feel like doing that kinda stuff myself.. I just like to see over the top movies with twisted stuff happening. It's pretty funny in a way :p
And the acting wasnt too bad either, I think people that complain so much about the acting are clouded by their preconceptions about porn actors.
So there, a 7


Right. Take away the gratuitous sex, show the sex in a way that is not designed to make people recoil in disgust, edit it in a way that make the audience aware that they are just about to have sex, are having sex or are being raped without going into vivid detail and what are you left with?! NOTHING! just a violent poor example of feminism I have never seen. When my film studies lecturer compared this to LOTR for some reason, and declared it better! I almost lost my voice arguing with her, obviously 2 totally different films but still..I is up with this film, there are no positive aspects;

1. Acting- poor, even though I don't speak french I know this

2. Direction, Mise en scene, editing, location, sound, cinematography. etc.- Substandard, below par, just plain poor, could be shot with a *beep* philips camera from 10 years ago, from my back garden with some randoms off the street and still be better.

3. Message- not powerful, a very simple message with no depth and full of pretencious nonsence about 'girl power'.

May all trace of the film be burnt, reburnt, the ashes put into a plastic pot, melted, sculpted into a figure shape then burnt again and thrown into a volcano, then if it becomes possible at any time, have the volcano destroyed (maybe by godzilla? or mechagodzilla?)

Sorry to rant, I just plain hate this film.




I enjoyed this film, but I don't think it's an easy one to watch, and indeed identify with. It wasn't made with american/english audiences in mind, and I think that makes it harder to watch or understand for many. It doesn't deserve some of the hype I've heard thrown at it, but no it's by no means one of the worst films ever made. That is reserved for a very special kind of film...


This is easily better than LotR which must be one of the worst films ever (alongside such crap-fests as Blade Trinity Wu Ji - The Promise).

You should listen more to your film studies lecturer to learn some things (I suppose you are young and haven`t seen too many films yet).
The comparison to LotR is very understandable, as both films are Road movies, with characters on their way to find themselves, and both have a lot of fighting with the inner demons/and the "others".



i thought it was kind of stupid...

Overall though, it was still sort of interesting if you like that sort of thing. I'm not a big fan of exploitation unless its for more than just the sake, so i'm sure people wqho like trash cinema will enjoy it.


With the quality of movies coming out nowadays with the mass commercial appeal, I'm starting to appreciate this movie more for what it is.





This film is a glorified porno. Take away the sex and your left with a terrible story, terrible acting and a film that says nothing but acts as if it’s got a message. The message should be stay away. Utter guff

“Does it count as betrayal to give someone a kicking he's been begging for?"


Not brilliant, but not the worst movie. I gave it an 8. Not so bad...


To those that say this is porn- you watch some *beep* up porn. Not every depiction of sex is porn!!! When will they learn?


Not every depiction of sex is porn, I agree. This however, was cheap, trashy and sure as hell not art. The poses they pulled were straight out of porn, not real sex or even movie sex for that matter.

“Does it count as betrayal to give someone a kicking he's been begging for?"
