MovieChat Forums > Nueve reinas (2000) Discussion > Excelente, but numbers don't match

Excelente, but numbers don't match

Great movie, even though numbers don't match. They want to get 450k,
but they buy the stamps in 250k. So the maximum earns will be 200k
which they have to split with several people. However Marcos puts down
200k of his own and Juan 50k. So Marcos invest 200k to get less than
200k back?? foolish. Also Juan Will get 30% of the net earnings (less
expenses). That's less than 50k. So he invest 50k to receive less than
50k back??? So if the business were success, they'll receive less than
what they invested. bad bad idea. We know the business is never
completed, however they could have check the numbers before. Other than
that.. great movie.

Excelente pelicula pero los numeros no cuadran.
Venden las estampillas en 450k, pero las compran en 250k. Osea que quedan 200k para repartir entre todos. Osea que MArcos recibira menos de 200k, sin embargo el invirtio 200k. Invierte para perder???
Juan invierte 50k para recibir el 30% del neto (menos los gastos), osea que recibira menos de 50k. Tambien invierte para perder dinero??
Por lo demas... Excelente.



ok edi, so I guess you ain't good in math, let me help you out:

yes, they buy the stamps for $250 and sell it at $450. That means that they get $200 (minus expenses) profit.
This means that even though Marcos invests $200 and Juan $50, when they sell the stamps they would be getting back those $250 they invested PLUS $200 (minus expenses) that they are earning.

Those extra $200 (minus expenses) are the ones to be divided between the conners. For example, Juan, after recovering the $50 he invested he would be gaining 30% of the $200 (minus expenses), which is $60 (minus expenses).

So, let's go again:

Juan invests $50 and gets back with $110. This $110 are divided in two: $50 belongs to the inversion and $60 (minus expenses) is the profit.
So he is making over a 100% profit... that's a really GOOD inversion.

No need to translate in in Spanish, right?
Hope I helped you out with the math.

~ Dream


Amazing how bad in math people can be! :) Edi llerena is absolutely right in his numbers. The 200k he invested in the con giving it to the stamp lady is pretty much gone - she doesn't belong to the scheme of Marcos, so this money is GONE. So eventually they had to split the 200k (450-250), meaning Marcos invested 200k and would have got less than 100k. He would never invest in loosing and the movie doesn't make sense.


Amazing how bad in math people can be! :) Edi llerena is absolutely right in his numbers. The 200k he invested in the con giving it to the stamp lady is pretty much gone - she doesn't belong to the scheme of Marcos, so this money is GONE. So eventually they had to split the 200k (450-250), meaning Marcos invested 200k and would have got less than 100k. He would never invest in loosing and the movie doesn't make sense.

Oh dear.

(1) They never get the 450 - it's a con, the "Spaniard" is an actor who is in on it. The "nine queens" don't exist, it's an idea taken off a box of cigars.

(2) Marcos obviously doesn't know that. He believes they will get 450 for the stamps. So they pay 250 to buy the stamps off the oldy lady and receive 450 for them from the "Spaniard".

(3) With the 450, they would have done the following:
- 200 to Marcos for his initial investment
- 50 to Juan for his initial investment

At this point, Marcos and Juan have broken even, everything on top of that is pure profit.

They would then split the 200 profit along the percentages agreed.

It's really not that difficult to understand.


"They never get the 450 - it's a con, the "Spaniard" is an actor who is in on it. The "nine queens" don't exist, it's an idea taken off a box of cigars."
My God, you're smart! :D

Such a smart person that thinks investing 250 and receiving 450 brings you 450 profit (and not the obvious difference of 200).



I am afraid I didn't quite understand your last post but can I recommend re-watching the movie and re-reading my post? I think this should clear things up for you.


as they all said:
* The invest was high but the winnings were high too. No "risk" at all and 1 day of work. Good busines if you ask me.
* Juan gets more than 50k but even if he receive less, it's all winning due to the "good busines" thing.

Como todos dijeron:
*La inversion era alta pero las ganancias eras altas tambien. No habia "riesgo" para nada y en 1 solo dia de trabajo. Un buen negocio si me preguntas.
*Juan recibe mas de 50 lucas pero aunque recibiera menos, todo es ganancia facil dado el "buen negocio" que habia.


ROTFL! Back to back to back to back to back people saying the same answer just to stroke their own ego, when I'm sure you all would or should have assumed someone answered that question before your getting to it. Then you'd have checked to see if it was properly answered before you opened your arrogant mouths, belittling the OP on his lack of mathematical skills.
