MovieChat Forums > Nueve reinas (2000) Discussion > Excelente, but numbers don't match

Excelente, but numbers don't match

Great movie, even though numbers don't match. They want to get 450k,
but they buy the stamps in 250k. So the maximum earns will be 200k
which they have to split with several people. However Marcos puts down
200k of his own and Juan 50k. So Marcos invest 200k to get less than
200k back?? foolish. Also Juan Will get 30% of the net earnings (less
expenses). That's less than 50k. So he invest 50k to receive less than
50k back??? So if the business were success, they'll receive less than
what they invested. bad bad idea. We know the business is never
completed, however they could have check the numbers before. Other than
that.. great movie.

Excelente pelicula pero los numeros no cuadran.
Venden las estampillas en 450k, pero las compran en 250k. Osea que quedan 200k para repartir entre todos. Osea que MArcos recibira menos de 200k, sin embargo el invirtio 200k. Invierte para perder???
Juan invierte 50k para recibir el 30% del neto (menos los gastos), osea que recibira menos de 50k. Tambien invierte para perder dinero??
Por lo demas... Excelente.



nice try ;)

you had me there for a second


Si, pero recuperan su inversiòn...
si crees que invertir 200K para sacar digamos 50K en un dìa no es un buen negocio, pues andas fuera de la realidad, digo yo.



los numeros encajan porque la idea era sacarle el dinero a marcos esos 200k que invertia el, no importaba si Juan ganaba 50k, 30 o lo que sea, ademas lo que no pensaste bajo esa teoria marcos y juan ponen 250k y recupera 450, es decir ganan 200 en 1 solo dia para repartir entre todos


I'm sure you're just joking, but you realize that they get back all their old money, and THEN compute the returns, right? It's not a 100% profit margin, but it's still one hell of a lot of money.

Estoy seguro que usted sólo está brulando, pero puede ver que consiguen de nuevo todo su dinero de antes, y DESPUÉS calculan las ganancias, ¿verdad? No es cien por ciento más, pero aún así, verdaderamente es mucho dinero. Sí, sé qué terrible mi español es.


is this post for real?? what movie did u see?? let`s put it like this:
you invest 200.000 on stamps and get the 70%, your partner invests 50.000 and gets the 30%. You sell them on 450.000.
70% of 450.000= 315.000. So if u invested 200.000, you earn 115.000
30% of 450.000= 135.000. " " " " " " """""" "50.000, you earn 85.000
u see it now??


Your math is also wrong, the percentages are for the profit, for the $200.000.
First they recover and divide their investment, then they divide the profit. That's how Juan first gets back his $50.000 and then gets what he gained: $60.000 (minus expenses), so he is going home with $110.000 (minus expenses), not $135.000
And Marcos first gets back his $200.000 and then the $140.000 (minus expenses). That's $340.000 (minus expenses)

Your equation would have worked if Marcos would have invested 70% of what needed to buy the stamps and Juan the 30% but since Marcos invested $200.000 (that's 80%) and Juan $50.000 (that's 20%) you need to break the equation into two different equations, one is 80-20 and the other one is 70-30.

~ Dream


matematica a marzo!


hehe.. good one!!


If you paid attention you would know that the whole thing was an elaborate plot to get the 200K that Marcos had swindeled from his sister and younger brother. No one actually paid 450K for the stamps... that was all part of the con job...

Me thinks you must have been born yesterday ;-)



Mira la pelicula de nuevo por entendiste nada!! pero esta vez pone atención.

Watch the movie again please.... you didn't understand anything. Please pay atenttion next time
