the coolest quips in the movie

'i'm a count. not a saint.'

Golf clap? Golf clap.


Lots of great/funny one liners in this film.
My favorite is when Jacobo says "I'm your man forever"
Dantes replies: "I know"

These kind of lines show me how Caviezel ended up with Person of Interest's John Reese character.
It also made sense for the trivia section where it states the early stages of the film's production had Arnold Schwarzenneger in mind for Dantes.

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down and a Wagging Finger of Shame


I personally liked (paraphrasing now):

"You pleasured me sometimes"

"you never pleaseured me"


To me the climax is when he finally confronts Fernand. He at first asks for mercy. To which Fernand drops his firearm then points it again at Edmond. Edmond then tells him:

"You've only got one shot. It'll take more than that to stop me."

The way Caviezel delivered that line! I really felt that even with a bullet in him, Edmond would still overtake him.


To me the climax is when he finally confronts Fernand. He at first asks for mercy.

I agree it's a powerful scene but Edmond didn't ask for mercy, he grants it to Fernand if he leaves without doing further harm. Hence Fernand's question later when Edmond stabs him: 'what happened to your mercy?'

… sometimes one life… If it’s the right life… That’s enough. Goodbye, Harold."
John Reese


Everyone brought back a bunch of great lines and made me smile. How about when Albert says, "Do your worst!" I liked that. He went on to become Superman! 😊

"How was the war, sir?"
"As any war—a waste of good men." (Poldark)
