Different leading man

I feel that this movie would have been a better movie if there was a different leading man. I have a lot of respect for Wesley Snipes as an actor, but I feel that he was not the right actor for this part. There seemed to not be any real chemistry between Wesley and Sanaa, also I think that it's just hard to imagine Wesley as a poor and not fully educated man. I haven't seen all of his movies, but I've seen quite a few, and the only movie that I've seen of his where he didn't play a well to do, articulate or both character was when he was Tremaine in Wildcats. I think that Zora, Claudette and Portia were all cast very well, but what happened to the fourth friend Marie? I guess in retrospect it would have been a useless complication to implement her story into the movie. Also I think it would have been a riot to put the thanksgiving day dinner where Franklin's mother threw mashed potatoes at Zora in the film, but oh well.

"These seconds when I'm shaking leaves me shuddering for days" she says. And I'm not ready for this sort of thing.


Snipes is the Blade type. He was only good in Jungle Fever because he was able to be an a-s-s in it. In this movie, he's supposed to be in love and conflict, but he appears to just be the best buddy friend unless they are having sex.


I disagree ... Snipes and Sanaa actually had an affair on set... I saw the chemistry very clearly...

are you retarded?


No..no...these two are right in so many ways..he is rough..just above gangster exuding an animal magnetism...Sanaa comes off as more refined but seeking a down-to-earth man..someone who makes love in that uninhibited way..Snipes personifies that type of sexiness...I do believe that they are in love..and women are so forgiving yet complex...and Snipes superbly captures the tribulations of a black man who is supposedly equal in modern times but still faces obstacles without the benefit of fancy shrinks or wealthy families who can bail him out when in trouble...they show a relationship with all its' wrinkles but what relationship doesn't have a few...ironing out the wrinkles makes them stronger...and those people who insist, 'we never argue' are big,fat wrinkled liars...lol.


Snipes worked well in the role, in my opinion. He exuded the raw sexiness that would appeal to Zora against her better judgement. That dynamic was nicely depicted in the bedroom scene just before Zora told him to leave. You could see the conflict in her face between pleasure and anger.

