Bridget's Weight

Am I the only one who didn't think she was fat?! I actually thought she was more of an average weight and that today is portrayed as fat in the media. She's not skinny however, but thats what makes her all the more likeable because people just feel bad about themselves if they watch skinny girls all the time. I really think it's just Renee's rounder face and not her actual body. Anyone agree?


I did not think she looked fat at all. In fact, Renee Zwellweger is so naturally skinny to begin with, I actually thought she looked BETTER with the added weight. (Especially in that Playboy bunny outfit.) ...Anyway, she looked pretty good to me.


In the movie didn't she say her weight was 136 pounds?

136 pounds = overweight?!

How tall is Briget supposed to be?

Renee Z the actress is 5'4 - a person at 5'4 and weighing 136 pounds is at a healthy/normal/ideal weight according to the Body Mass Index (

I was a little sad seeing Bridget be so upset at being 136 pounds because I'm exactly 136 pounds and my BMI is 22.6 (I'm 5'5). A healthy/normal/ideal BMI is between 18.5 - 24.9.



"136 pounds = overweight?!"

Yeah, I'm reading the book and in it her weight goes up and down (because she is trying to diet) between 119lb (which is what she considers to be her ideal) and 129lbs. So far, at nearing the end of the book, she hasn't gone over 129lbs once. I can't figure out why she thinks she needs to lose weight at 129lbs! I'd love to be 129lbs! I also don't get why she is supposed to be chubby or fat in the movie. She looks very slim to me.

BTW I advise everyone who really likes this movie to get the book or book-on- cd (which is what I'm listening to and has a very entertaining narration). The book is very good! Just as fun and endearing as the movie only more content.

"I've got nature on my hand!"--Monk


I thought the same thing, OP. She didn't look fat, just nicely filled out. Especially in that bunny suit. Looked good to me.



Well I am roughly 5'10" so my weight HAS to be in double figures for me to be healthy...a couple of years ago I was ill and didn't eat much (this was not an eating disorder) and lost a lot of weight. One of my friends commented that wile I was still recovering, at one point I looked too thin - I was not that much more than 10 stone. I did end up putting on some weight once I was completely better, but not all the weight I lost to begin with.
Since then, my weight has fluctuated due to how busy/stressed I am, and at a few points while my weight went down, a few people expressed concern and asked me if I was eating properly...

It is true that other people can have more objective opinions about us (how fat/thin we look, but with other things as well). At the end of the day, as long as we aren't an unhealthy weight (too fat or too thin)and as some people have already posted, our BMI is in the right range, we have no cause to fret.

I have never been anorexic or bulimic, although have at times been insecure about my weight. But if someone rejects or dumps you on account of you not having the figure of a model,(or in a guy's case, losing your six-pack), they're shallow and not right for you!

Also, apparently Colin Firth was asked on which Renee figure he preferred, and he said she looked better with curves!

Even people who are seriously overweight need support and encouragement, not put-downs and being snubbed.


She was a normal weight. but I was shocked to see that she didn't weigh that much, yet she looked bigger than that weight on TV. I know the camera adds 10 pounds.. But wow those other actresses must be 100lbs!

Welcome to the real world, it sucks! You're gonna love it - Monica Geller


To me, it appears that she looks heaviest in her face and her bust. Not than any man would really complain about the bust being bigger. When she walked into that office with that tight shirt, and the mini skirt, she looked like she was all chest, and skinny everywhere else. I envy her legs.

Her face didn't look healthy, though. Maybe it is b/c her face is very round. But it could also be the way that she gained her weight. I had heard reports that she ate a bunch of doughnuts, in order to gain the weight. That's not a healthy diet, and that very well could have caused her face to look unhealthy, just in general. She could have gained weight in a healthier manner, but the extra doughnut look may have been what she was going for.

I'm glad that someone explained the difference between U.S. and British sizes, b/c I didn't know there was a difference. I was going to say that I was in a size 14 at 160 lbs, but that's a U.S. size 14. She'd obviously be smaller than a U.S. size 14.

"The hideousness of that foot will haunt my dreams forever."


I definitely weigh more than she supposedly did, but even I could see she wasn't a slim jim... The person who called her average was spot on... But, she didn't have a figure I wanted, that's for sure...


Um, I thought that was the whole point of the movie.

She's "normal" but she keeps calling herself fat because that's what us women go through everyday.



I had heard reports that she ate a bunch of doughnuts, in order to gain the weight.
Hmph, I wish eating a bunch of doughnuts would give me a figure like that! In reality, a doughnut diet would make me look more like a whale.

"Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in my Armpit One Midsummer Morning." Douglas Adams


I think she has got a lovely figure in this film. She is too thin normally



"They sucked his brains out!"


She is not fat


She wasn't fat. I don't care how the media portrayed her. The doctors were saying (when the movie came out) that she was at a healthy weight when she did this movie. She just wasn't starving herself, thankfully.

JIM HUTTON: talented gorgeous HOT; adorable as ElleryQueen; SEXIEST ACTOR EVER
