Size and Dating

I am confused by some of the discussions on Bridget's weight and I am thinking it might be a cultural difference. It has been suggested that the focus on Bridget's weight and size is meant to say she is actually a normal attractive person who is too hard on herself. (For the record I think Bridget in the movie is quite beautiful.)

But if you look up online dating ads in the U.S. many men really will specify that they will not date someone who is over a certain weight or over a certain size. So here it really is true that Bridget could be considered "too fat to date". Is this not true in Britain? If not, we could use some imports!


English and US cultural standards aren't all that different, in regards to body type. Think of how the fat boy in "Lord of the Flies" (by the Brit William Golding) was often ridiculed for his weight by his peers. If there was an underlying reason for bridget being a bit heavy, it was probably to make her more 'real' or relatable to women - i.e. she is imperfect, but still trying to find love.


well, in real life, slim women do tend to be considered more attractive. nevertheless, plump and even fat women seem to get married all the time, so i think there must be quite a lot of men who aren't that bothered by a woman being a larger size, maybe some even prefer them.


I know right.

Shooting down the walls of heartache, Bang Bang!


How is she even chubby in this?! She looks slim and fit to me?


She looks amazing to me, I think society has gotten a bit ridiculous with women and weight at the moment. If it was just the media then I'd tell people to just ignore them but if you go on reddit these days and look at the comments, you'll see a lot of young guys (mainly in their late teens) calling women who are clearly not fat at all (maybe 130lbs, tops), fat. This is obviously disgusting behaviour, considering the weight that seems to be 'in vogue' at the moment is unhealthy, being too thin is just as bad for you as being too fat and in fact studies* have shown that a bit of weight does better for your health, so being slightly 'too fat' is better for your health than being too thin.



Give it take 15-20 pounds it really shouldn't matter.

Live Deliciously


From what I can tell, she would be considered a little heavier than her normal body weight by "society'a standards." She actually was pretty tone and fit considering the weight gain for the role. I'm sure she was like an 8 tops, which is not fat. But I think in general it doesn't take much for folks to call someone fat.


Bridget was far more attractive and sexy than the "American stick insect" that Daniel was dating. In general, models are boring-looking mannequins.
