Could there be more SMOKING?!

Every character in the film smokes. Constantly. The policemen, birdy, everyone. Was there someone I missed not smoking? Did big tobacco have some kind of involvement in this or was it purely the directors trying to portray what people thought of cigarettes during the time?


Made me want a cigarette the whole time.

Excuse ME! while I eat this pie...


I didn't notice other characters doing it much, but I sure noticed Ed doing it. And it never looked good either. It's just like the killer in Fargo, always chain smoking, and it never looked good there either. The Coen brothers have a way of making smoking look extremely unappealing.


I was smoking through out the whole movie. Looking through the threads the "smoke sociologist" never mentions cigarette and women's style. I can't believe how ignorant people are about plain history much more being imdb members that have no knowledge about smoking through films!

Many people with oxygen machines smoke and if you don't believe it go to Vegas and check out some of the elderly chain smoking at the slots. I love and enjoy smoking. I know the risks and don't bother others.


I've been a smoker all my life - and even *I* was offended when he was smoking while cutting the kid's hair!

Cats are delicate dainty animals who suffer from a variety of ailments ... except insomnia.


urciolo, your comment really interests me.

I'd like to know how old you are? Not to demean your feelings or thoughts in any way, just to get a frame of reference.

I am 50 years old. I grew up in the 70's. I've never been a smoker. But my parents smoked like chimneys the whole time I was growing up. My Mom would stir spaghetti sauce at the stove in the kitchen with a cigarette in her mouth.

That is just the way it was back then. I woke up every morning and went to the kitchen for breakfast through a haze of smoke.

And that was the 70's. I can only imagine how much more smoking went on in the 50's. It was just a different time. EVERYONE (almost) smoked. Athletes smoked, and Doctors even thought it was good for you.

Again, I grew up a non smoker cuz the smoke bothered me so much back then but I have no illusions that anyone in the 50's, 60's, 70's thought anything of smoking. That's why I ask how old you are, cuz maybe you didn't grow up then, so that is why you are offended, which is great. Smoking is offensive.



Cbartal – I am 66 years old and therefore grew up in the 50s. Both of my parents smoked but the only time I remember it bothering me is in the winter, when they smoked in the car with all the windows up.

When smoking in public started becoming an issue in the mid 1980s, I really tried to be considerate. Even though (believe it or not) smoking was allowed in elevators, I never smoked in one.

I quit once for four years. The American Cancer society had some seminars that helped me. I made a comment that I remember ads that showed smoking as glamorous. The speaker said there was a time when smoking was considered healthy! He explained that when his grandfather died, his grandmother was so distraught at the funeral that the doctor took her back to his office and made her smoke a pack of cigarettes to “calm her nerves.” She died of lung cancer 20 years later.

Smoking IS offensive which is why I will always try to be considerate of others.

By the way – you phrased your question perfectly. I was NOT offended in the least.

Cats are delicate dainty animals who suffer from a variety of ailments ... except insomnia.



It is so wonderful to interact with you.

I learned a lot from your post. Not to mention, you are civil, even handed, and eloquent.


I'm sending you a private message.

Cats are delicate dainty animals who suffer from a variety of ailments ... except insomnia.


My smoking is strictly defensive.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan



I'm 56 and I definitely remember the days when people could smoke anywhere. My parents were both smokers in the 50's and 60's. My mother would usually cough for a couple of minutes when she woke up, but one morning in '71 her cough felt different and she felt short of breath. She went to the doctor and found out she had collapsed a lung! She was in the hospital overnite. Her doctor visited her and said this was just her body's way to let her know it was time to quit smoking. The funny thing was, he was smoking when he told her. But she took the hint and quit smoking cold turkey.


I am a smoker, so if
"smoking is offensive" does that mean everyone who smokes is attacking,agressive,unpleasant,revolting,disagreeable,nauseous and disgusting. If so, you must hate millions of people.

I find people that think smoking is offensive are offensive themselves.


I am a smoker

Then you are a fool.

"smoking is offensive" does that mean everyone who smokes is attacking, agressive, unpleasant, revolting, disagreeable, nauseous and disgusting.

Did the OP state that SMOKERS where offensive? Do you understand the difference? Is your obvious sensitivity on this topic an attempt to mask your self-loathing?

The act of smoking in public confined spaces is indefensible. It is an offensive act because it harms the health of others.

you must hate millions of people.

You smoke, therefore you must hate yourself.


I enjoy it. I do not hate myself for smoking. I simply light up and smoke and love it. Simple as that.



The act of smoking is offensive in public confined places, yes.

Smoking itself isn't, it is a choice. Some intelligent people make some dopey choices, and they are free to do so. Some people just enjoy the occasional smoke. You should probably try to be less judgemental.

Someone may smoke and never drink, someone may have the odd puff, it is just ridiculous to treat an entire group of people like that.

You also obviously don't realise the impact of the combination of addictive chemicals with a predisposition to addictive behaviour, do a little bit of research and maybe gain some *beep* empathy.


"Every character in the film smokes. Constantly."

gimme a break I can't take this kind of shi t. Like have you actually seen films over the years? You are a tool and should not be posting on IMDB. Get outta here with your juvenile crap. spla



It was a true representation of the 1940's and film noir (which the film is made to look like) a 1940's film & white, moody shadows etc. they all smoked, in real life people smoked on film, that's it nothing else!!


Yawn... you are so boring...



Watch earlier films, smoking was very common back then.
