how old are you?

i'm wondering how old fans of this incredible great show are ;]
well, i'm going to be 20 and first watched the show a few years ago. i'm still watching the reruns (actually in this minute i'm watching it... lol)
my sisters (17 and 22) both like it either.
so how old are you? ;]

"Angel Investigation - we hope you're helpless" - Doyle


I first watched it when I was 8, and I still watch it now that I'm 14.

"Killing ain't fair but somebody gotta do it."


24 now so was about 15 when I used to watch it - goddamn that was a long time ago!
I used to love the disney cartoons like recess and kim possible - wow that just made me remember how weird it was that i used to think she was kinda hot for a cartoon character lol

"It's Spaghetti Time!"


17, and this show is AWESOME.

I was 9 or 10 when I first watched it. I found it funny, but lots of the gags went over my head. Now that I'm more mature, I can really appreciate how engaging the characters are, and even the wardrobe changes!

A similar experience happened to me when I watched 'Daria', recently.


I'm 18, nearly 19. Used to watch this loads a few years back, have now discovered it again! Majorly distracting, and I do feel rather cool when I'm studying for Uni exams and watching this at the same time :D


I'm 17 but I watched it a few years ago. I wanted to get into it again. For some reason, the most MEMORABLE episode to me is the one with the popular kids and the diet sodas? Before this show, I don't think I'd ever tasted diet soda so maybe it altered my opinion but I CAN NOT drink diet because I feel like it has a disgusting aftertaste :O

"Don't go away angry, just go away." - Dean Winchester, Supernatural


18 almost 19! So this show came out when I was maybe 8. Found some episodes on YouTube and it's even funnier now that I'm older and understand some of the side joke for adults!

Luke:"How do you even talk black, any word that end in izzle?"
Alex:it's BACK you idiot!"


I'm 21 but loved this when I was younger (around 6 or 7).

It feels good to be lost in the right direction. 🌌


I'm turning 20 in July. This and Recess used to be my shows man! Also most of the Disney tv adaptations of the movies like Tarzan, Aladdin, Hercules, etc.
