MovieChat Forums > The Mexican (2001) Discussion > Am I to believe that Julia Roberts is at...

Am I to believe that Julia Roberts is attractive in this movie?


Everything was going as expected until SHE reared her ugly face.

I know its bad to complain about looks and unfair...but how am I supposed to suspend belief and go with it when they put her in a movie opposite Brad Pitt?!

I mean come on. Im not gay but I realize the guy is better looking than 99% of us. But somehow SHE is good enough to be next to him (not talking about acting)?

I just couldn't buy it.

Im at the part where she's driving in her VW, sipping on Tab, and looking at her face in the mirror. I just had to stop and say something.

You'd expect this type of lady to be in a committed lesbian 'union', protesting the cruelty of animals somewhere, while camped out for an OWS rally. What kind of man could fall for that? The same type of guy that watched, 'BroMance'?

Its just gross in an almost asexual, gender-neutral, kind of metro-sexual-human-creature kind of way.

I dare say any man that has rubbed one out to Julia Roberts should be on a watch-list somewhere.


I cracked up while reading that.

Limit of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief: directly proportional to its awesomeness.


Well i'd not turn her down, i'd certainly man up for her ;-) If I was single that is.


Thank you for saying what you have said..


Then don't like her.

I enjoy the movie a lot especially because I disliked her character. I know J Roberts was probably putting on her charm but I like it that for once, our lead actress is annoying as hell and pretty much makes our protagonist's life a living hell.

Especially with current lot of movies that "it's always men's fault" and being a women is hard, and men need to learn to understand, blah, blah. This film says it like it is. She's an annoyance and a burden, but that's only because our protagonists let her be the way she is because he can't help it.


I agree, she STINKS!! Was only hot in Pretty Woman. People (women) think I'm nuts when I say she's ugly. Also don't think Cameron Diaz is all that(only hot in The Mask).


She was also sorta hot in Mystic Pizza, but this was when she was way younger and age hadn't crept into bed with her.


I still don't see what the big deal is about her. Overrated actress. I liked her best in Steel Magnolias, but then when she cut her so much.


She is actually very beautiful. Her smile is legendary.


Her smile was memorable because when she smiled she smiled huge and over exaggerated it, showing every tooth she had...while it was cute when she was young... unfortunetly she hasn't aged when she tries to flash that huge smile, her head looks like it should be on an exam table in some Medical School lab or something... in other words.. it's not so cute anymore.. and I'm being nice. Also, what I find irritating is her loud guttural laugh... I can see why some people think she resembles a Lesbian more than a straight she get's older, she becomes more's like she doesn't have a feminine bone in her body.


I don't usually dig her. She was cute in mystic pizza as someone mentioned, but she looked pretty good in this one. But usually I don't care for her.
