where to find Destinos...

i love destinos...so corny, but true.

i've heard that the episodes play on different spanish channels...is this true? are the vhs and/or dvd copies available anywhere?


Absolutely! I recently purchased the set on Annenberg.com, by searching Destinos...you can also find it cheaper on another site as well. THe main thing to watch out for is that there are also many workbooks, and comprehension cds out there too, that go with it...be sure you are on the Dvd or Vhs before hitting the purchase button!

There is an out of print music cd that came out with the 2nd series in 1999..
Still trying to locate a copy of that one.

Nuevos Destinos is the sequel series, but from the writeup I've read,
its much shorter, and most of the original characters dont return, just
Raquel (Liliana Abud). There is also a storyline weaving thru this 2nd
series that still doesnt have the 2 of them married 5 years later...and he's
gone back to Buenos Aires...although the actor Arturo Puig isnt part of this 2nd series...I think I will leave them where the 1st series left them...Also from the photos I've seen, she is MUCH MUCH older in appearance, tho literally
its only been about 5 years since the 1st series finished filming.

Interesting bit of trivia, in case you hadnt seen or read it,but the
child playing MariCarmen, daughter of Ramon and Consuela, is actually
Raquel's real live daughter! (Liliana Abud's daughter)


Here is the latest (Jan 2012) link to the entire Destinos series http://www.learner.org/series/destinos/ and it doesn't require any registration. So far I have seen 8 episodes in two days and will probably see more before the day is through. I am a Spanish teacher and considering its use. Yes, the plot is slow, but aren't all soap operas that way? I worked for an NBC station once and was forced to watch "Another World" every day. Then I went to Japan for a year and a half and when I came back, I went to work for another NBC station. In one week I got caught up on the story line of "Another World". Destinos is slow, too. There is lots of repetition, but repetition is good for you. Don't knock it.


Fond memories of this series and Liliana Abud.
