sara - slutty?

does noone else think that if Sara does these "projects" with a different man each month then it makes her a bit of a slut? does she sleep with all of them too? its the only thing that i dont really like about the movie.


Yes, she's a slut. All women are sluts, even if they don't screw around. As people say, monogamy is a social construcion so is the sexual opression that women suffer for doing whatever they want with their body. Nobody calls The Keanu's character a slut nor his friend who wouldn't tell the name of that girl's hes been dating. No, but charlize must be the whore. Free women are whores. You know what slut means?
Slut is a woman with morals of a man. Keep that in mind.


Misandrist much???
As they say, the draft was the law... Is that a social construct of voters? Of whom WOMEN make the majority of voters??? Oh, that was a 100 years ago, not long enough for women to take responsibility like they expect of men?
Is being drafted, to be sent to other countries, to kill others and to be killed, "...doing everything the want with THEIR body?"
WOMEN sent men to do that, not the other way around, honey.
You know what hypocrite means?
Hypocrite = You

Any questions?

Now keep that in mind, you privileged princess. ;)


"Slut is a woman with morals of a man."

Really? So you think ALL men are like that? That's an even more offensive prejudice.




I do agree that women do have to deal with double standard when it comes to sex. To be honest I could never see man doing same as Charlize in this movie and it being made out as romantic gesture. The guy would be a jerk. To me it's not romantic. I don't believe she did anything for these guys in the long run.


Soo many embarrassed sluts in this thread



You are exactly the kind of person who would ruin the beauty of something by bringing out something out of boundary thing and make it suffocating for others as well who really enjoyed it.
