MovieChat Forums > The Others (2001) Discussion > At what point did you know? (Spoiler)

At what point did you know? (Spoiler)

At what point did you know the twist? I sort of knew it from the synopsis of the film LOL.

But it was obvious from the beginning; old house, fogs everywhere, the way they revealed the children, locking the rooms all the time, keeping the light out, etc.

But apart from, the film was very well executed and I still enjoyed it very much even though i was waiting the whole film for them to reveal the twist.



Knew what was going on when they started talking about dad not coming home from the war but not having heard anything.

Who replaced John Mclane with an out and out *beep*


I didn't and I'm glad because I loved this movie and it really scared me when they were looking through the glass at her (near the end). I thought the servants were up to no good (to rob them or something).

I though this was cleverly done and saw it back in 2001 when it first came out. I remember the premise stuck with me for a long time.


About halfway through, when she goes through the mist. I just finished the movie, but I already forget what exactly set me off - maybe it was the servants hiding the graves (which I thought was going to be Grace and the kids'). Actually, the servants being dead did surprise me - I thought they were alive and somehow trying to exorcise the ghosts for the masters they TRULY serve. Even though I totally knew that shotgun would do nothing to Mrs. Mills.

From there it all just came together. That bit in the beginning about the postman never collected Grace's summons: we're led into it as a question of Mrs. Mills, but why exactly didn't the postman arrive? The fact that they can never leave the house, that the ghosts seem to be a family, that the servants disappeared, that Anne explained Victor was CRYING (the least scary thing a ghost could possibly do).

I never fully trusted Grace, something about her just didn't sit with me. But I didn't realize she'd been the one who killed them, I think I thought it was the tuberculosis which turned out to just be the servants fifty years ago. Everything with the husband makes it clear they're all dead too. Especially the way Grace COMPLETELY ABANDONS looking for a priest. Almost as though she knows, deep down, it's futile.

Ultimately, it just made the most sense. It's also a common enough twist to be on the checklist once you start looking for them. I'm grateful I didn't know there was going to be a twist though, as I might've figured it out sooner if I had (like with The Sixth Sense, where I called it in the first five minutes but assumed that was too dumb).

Went a little downhill after I figured it out - lost some of the scariness. That old lady bit still freaked me out though (old ladies scare me lol). Overall, good movie. I gave it 4/5.


I didn't realize it until the end because I didn't think the movie was supposed to be supernatural.


I had the thought "what if this is just like The Sixth Sense?" About halfway through, but then knew for sure when Grace starts brandishing the shotgun.


I saw it around the time that it came out or maybe a year later and I didn't guess the twist until Grace stumbles upon the seance and we see the old woman doing automatic writing and her assistant reading out what is written (like when Nicholas yells 'Mummy!'). It suddenly clicked for me that they were the ghosts.

Since then (2001) I think there have been many TV programmes and films that have featured the 'they're actually dead' or 'it's all a dream' plotlines, but at the time it was really only this film and 'The Sixth Sense' that had featured it. If I had watched it for the first time more recently I might have guessed it more quickly. But I don't know though - it's done pretty well if you ask me and after the truth about the servants is revealed, you don't imagine that there are any more surprises.


I guessed pretty early on. I had an inkling that the servants were dead right away, but dismissed it as too easy a twist to guess. S'pose I was both right and wrong, since it was a climactic reveal but not THE climactic reveal. It took me until the first dinner scene to figure out about the children and Grace -- when Anne first mentions the mysterious "something" that happened after "mummy went mad".

To be fair though even though I figured it out early I was second-guessing myself up until Charles left. His abrupt disappearance (plus his insistence that the war was still going on when it clearly wasn't) cinched it for me that they were ghosts.

I'm with OP, though, I still loved the movie!


I'm glad so many people answered "I didn't see it coming until the end" because that's when I figured it out too lol, and I felt pretty stupid! I KNEW there would be a twist of some sort but not this one.
I really liked this movie, scared me sh!tless!
