MovieChat Forums > Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000) Discussion > The worst movie in the history of mankin...

The worst movie in the history of mankind?

I mean seriously, is there a movie that would honestly suck as much as this? There are very few movies that I have not been able to watch through, but this is one of them. It sucked so much more than for example Hercules In New York, which was awful, too, but NOTHING compared to the crappines of this load of horsesh...

I get angry even thinking about this movie, especially when it's predecessor is one of the best horror movies ever made. Man I hated this movie, or at least the first 30 minutes that I was able to watch.

If there are any films that are worse than this, please tell me so that I can be aware of them.



I have two words for you. Uwe Boll.


If you think this is the worst movie ever then check out Steven Seagal's movies or take a trip down suck avenue with J-Lo. If you honestly think Blair Witch Project is one of the greatest horror movie ever made, then you haven't seen to many. I really never saw what the buz was about with Blair Witch Project. The three of them running around the woods got real old, real fast. It was ok but great, tap the brakes on that claim please. Blair Witch 2 wasn't a horrible movie or a great movie, it was ok. Although I think it was creepier than the first one was. Atleast it showed visual evidence of the things going on which the first one didn't. They didn't even show enough to use your imagination in the first one. So your claim that Blair Witch 2 was the worst ever is way of base.


I called it "industrial strength stupid." Insipid writing, cliched characters, ridiculous plot, do I need to continue? If Jeff was making such a serious documentary, why was he getting drunk and stoned at VERY SITE he was supposed to be researching?!?!? Did he need to bring all those papers? Let's see, what else... Smoking goth girl with attitude... Flighty witch chick... weird local... Huge tree that appears and re-appears? Did they make that one up when they got to the location?

OK, maybe not the worst ever made. Photgraphy was pretty good, Erica Leerhsen and Kim Director are decent eye candy, but I actually felt brain cells dying while watching this. Maybe if it didn't seem like it was written by a 15-year-old.

What made the original so good was that it DIDN'T show you everything. In fact, it showed nothing! The noise in the closet is scary because you don't know what it is. When the monster comes out, you know what it is, and can deal with it. But until you know...

And that's the thing. You never knew whether it was just moonshine-befuddled hill folk, locals playing tricks, or something supernatural. Yeah, I agree the camera could have been steadier and it could have been at least partially scripted. Lesson learned. It was the first movie of its kind to do what it did. People STILL debate whether it was true or not, and that's saying something.


Sorry but I grew up with woods all around me and never once did I get scared by them. Also 2 sticks smacking against one another which the noises were in the first was not scary. Sure like I said, part 2 had it's flaws but your going to tell me Coyote Ugly, Showgirls and Gigli were better movie's or how about every movie Paris Hilton has ever been in. You can also include Lindsey Lohan in the worst category to. If you think they were all better then please give me some of what your smoking please because that's some good stuff.


"cool as ice" starring vanilla ice. if that's not the worst movie of all time i don't know what is.


1 and 2 sucked.



Um ... watch the whole movie before saying its sh*t. o.O


Yeah I gotta agree if you havnt seen the whole movie you cant claim its the worst. Its pretty watchable compared to some movies. Compared to Dragon Wars, Erogon, The Invasion, 30 days of Night BW2 was a fnckin masterpeice. AND THE KILLING ROOM?! My god! Remember, use the magic twig wisely


I would say one of the worst sequels of all time, maybe not movie in general.


I think its way better then the first which wasn't even original. There have been found footage films around since the 80's they just aren't very popular.

People think its cool to hate this film, but its really good. The only issue is they shouldve NEVER attached this good film with such a crappy franchise.


I agree, the first was awful. If I had a video camera and filmed like they did (scared in the woods or not) I would throw it out. Nothing even happened. Of course I was only able to listen since the whole thing made me sick visually.

It's not just a bag it's a Prada


your life is worse i think,..... seek help


Ya know I just watched this last night, cause there was nothing on, I had seen it in the theaters upon its release and didn't care for it much.

After re watching it ... it is actually a pretty solid horror film, it was honestly a bit ahead of its time IMO. With the whole reality perception thing going on..

Is it a horror classic .. no but worth watching IMO


This movie is a hidden unknown underrated gem. Its sad it was connected to the lackluster Blair Witch 1 which was nothing story wise compared to part 2. The difference being that BW1 was for all audiences where BW2 was more for genre fans. Had this been marketed as just "Book of Shadows" w/ no affiliation to BW1 it would've found us genre fans and not the dumb kids who wanted another tired mockumentary.

And really, the people trashing this movie are just a bunch of kids who grew up watching the original Blair Witch, who were actually dim enough to believe the hype that the original was a true story. Funny thing is there were mockumentary horror movies before The Blair Witch. BW1 was just a rip off , not the ground-breaking original some believe it is.

Alien Abduction did the mockumentary thing way before TBW and there were others.
