MovieChat Forums > Super Mario World (1991) Discussion > Tubular: A Tribute to the Most Evil of E...

Tubular: A Tribute to the Most Evil of Evil Levels

I don't know about you guys, but I've ended up throwing all kinds of objects at my TV screen because of this level. In the 14 years I've owned this game, I've beaten Tubular maybe twice. Anyone else share my sentiments towards this horrible, horrible place?


Yes, a pretty difficult level.

Screw you dumbasses, I'm gonna go drifting.



Tubular was hard the first time but then you learn to wait for those balls to be kicked and not fly straight into them.

The hardest levels in this game is The one with jumping flames, spring and high pipes.
The one you must jump on icy block is also alittle hard. It's easy to get 96* just play for like 6 hours.

"Big excuses for misspelling within this post"


I think I almost popped a blood vessel when I was playing Tubular. I was screaming and cursing, and the first time I ever beat it, I ran into the room my brother was in and literally started crying tears of joy.

And Lost Levels? Are we thinking about the same lost levels, because yeah, some of the levels are a pain in the ass, but it's nowhere near as annoying as SMB, because after you get a game over, you start on the same level, whereas in SMB you restart at the BEGINNING OF THE WORLD.

I'm talking about the all-stars version. I've beaten that one twice, A, b, c, etc. levels and all.

But tubular.... Man. I honestly thought that I was the only one that had the problem.

"Visits? That would indicate visitors!"

~~ Plan 9 From Outer Space


I got the SNES system was I was 6 years old and I swear I couldn't beat this level for ten years. I would play the whole game up to that point and then hand the controller to my dad. He could always beat it. Oh the memories, lol. Nice father-daughter bonding time: "DAD!! COME BEAT TUBULAR FOR ME!!"
I can beat it now, but it is a challenge. Takes me about three tries.

Just got this for Gameboy Advance for my DS. I'm having some trouble adjusting to the buttons 'cos I grew up on SNES and nothing else... Also, the stuff they changed annoys me a bit. It seems they've made all the classic games a lot easier than they used to be, but taken out a lot of the extra stuff... Grr... Lazy new generation...

Holy off-topic rant, Batman!

And my soul
from out that shadow
that lies floating on the floor
shall be lifted


I hate this! You can cheat though with the Yoshi trick!


I broke tons of controllers playing this *beep* level. WORST MOST TORTUROUS LEVEL EVER! DIE!



LOL @ some of you guys rants on the Tubular level. I hated it too when I played it as a kid and still hate it now. A few months ago, I was playing this level again, this time with my little sister, (she was 9 at the time), and she managed to beat it on her first try! I wondered, how in the hell she did that? I was amazed that after all these years, I was never good at it, but she was. How nice.


I remember I had to play dozens of times before beating it the first time, but after that it was much easier (still not easy though). Evil, but fun, challenging level. (:


I HATE TUBULAR worse level ever [mad]
but then again the 1 level that annoyed me more was butter bridge 1


Tubular is rather difficult, but not too hard if you have a blue Yoshi with you. I'd say Outrageous is harder, and for some reason I've always found Wendy's Castle difficult.


I hated that level so much! The worst part was when you get the those plants that throw out those little balls.

I think next time I play it I might give it a try with blue yoshi.

On another note, I think Koopa's castle was real easy. I thought it be harder. I beat it in one try. Any thoughts on this?

