MovieChat Forums > Human Nature (2001) Discussion > Is Human Nature's Nudity Really Bad?

Is Human Nature's Nudity Really Bad?

I haven't seen this movie yet, but I really want to. I wanted to see it cuz I'm a huge Hilary Duff fan. I'm 15, and I'm sure my guardian wouldn't let me get it if there was nudity on it. So I was wondering if the nudity was all that bad. If it isn't, maybe I could persuade her to let me rent it.

Is Hilary Duff's part good? I mean, is it worth it to get it to see her?


My 13yo little sister is also a hilary Duff fan and I watched this movie with her and my 11yo sister. There indeed is some nudity in this movie, but all the nudity is natural nudity, like people walking nude without basically anything shown and the nudity isn't a deal at all to the director. There is one nipple shot and one shot with full frontal nudity, but both are from a distance and last under a second. My sisters didn't like it though bc it was way too complex for their Lizzie McGuire admiring minds, but that's another story.


As a general rule, the ratings issued by Canadian provinces tend to focus more on the violence/gore aspects of a movie than the language/sex aspects. I usually find that these raings mesh more with my own opinions than the American ones.

(FYI: In case you weren't aware, the Canadian provinces rate movies individually and they don't use the same rating system. It's a good idea to make sure you know exactly what "18A" means on the particular system you're using before you make a decision.)

Love is a many splendoured thing, y'all.


More Anti-American crap. Nothing is wrong with morals, and I don't necessarily believe in over censorship either.

All of you people need to just shut up! She's 15 she just asked a simple question needing a simple answer. Stop making mountains out of molehills.

You guys are all just a bunch of angry message board poster uppers! Yes I used the words poster-uppers, so what. Just stating the truth. Its people like you is why there is a VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY! OOOH I dare you, I opened a can of worms there. The left makes American's appear stupid and they talk to us like we are a bunch of idiots and if you contest that then here, take the deed to my ocean front property in Arizona! Enjoy it, I'll even throw in the yahct free!


"natural nudity, like people walking nude without basically anything shown"

As distinct from unnatural nudity, where you can see boobies and stuff?


I love blood and violence, I've got a boner for murder!

btw, I'm an american, and I have to say, violence is awesome, nudity in a film can surely spice up an otherwise lackluster movie, but if its got great practical fx and lots of killing, I'm up for it. but hell, some of the most violent movies i've ever seen arnt even american, most are hong kong, italian and spanish horror, or australian.


"violence is awesome"

You stupid, stupid little fool. You're the sort of *beep* who falls for those commercials that tell you how bitching it is to be a marine (but forget the fact that you might get shot through the neck and end up impotent, incontinent and possibly Republican). Violence is vile. That's why it's called violence.

Nudity, however, is jolly splendid, especially if Audrey Tautou's cheeky little botbot is involved.


Ahh, I love how you take the stance of 'Because I am right, everyone elses opinion must be wrong'. Nudity doesnt bother me, but if it did, you can bet I wouldn't tell people that they were idiots/morons/wrong for watching things with nudity in them. You are obviously the sort of person who would bring about a facist regime in a country, I mean, whats more facist than not being able to disagree over something of personal prefrence. I hope people like you are the victims of violence before you can spread your close-minded views to your offspring.


Wow - how sad and pathetic to spill such vitriole over a question about nudity...everything on here seems to lead to America bashing. "What's the name of the 7th Dwarf?" "Who the hell cares, the Americans are moralizing, ignorant, war-mongering buggers who need to be irradicated from the face of the earth"

Well, heres an idea, watch only movies made by your own country's great artist and movie makers or from countries whose politics and people you like. Eat, drink, wear, use only those products that were developed in or produced in those countries and bar the door to us as tourists and consumers of your goods and then we can all live in peace and you won't have to whine and complain about all the white-trash low-brow religious zealots with no appreciation of the finer things that you in your country know of and appreciate, but the big bad ugly Americans, do not. If you do not like the game - take your ball and go home.

Oh yes, and when your country faces disasters and you need help and you are in want and hurting, please call us, because though we are ignorant and not worthy of your respect and though you hate us and may have pledged to destroy us, we are a generous and charitable people and we will come to your aid.

And no, I am not blinded to my country's faults, its failures or need for change, or the overwhelming ingnorance of a lot of its citizenry - but I am also not unaware of its greatness and its largess and I love it, warts and all.

Tonite, my toes are not so cheery.




I can't believe ppl hav actually argued for 2 years over a simple yes or no question it just goes to show how absent minded ppl can be that they actually forget why they were in the part of the message board also there is no point for ppl to reply here bcoz the person who started this post is close to turnin 17 and probably has alredy sneaked the film into his house and watched it i know dats wat i wudv dun. So everyone quit bein an ass to each other (dont care if ur an ass to america coz im not from der) and post sumthin that is actually useful.


Well back to the nudity.I think Patricia Arquette was wasted in this with all that hair.


I'm not trying to make a specific point, only share a story that served for a few laughs a while back.
I guess museums are pretty immoral places (taking into account that they showcase the morals of past times)


Way to go CherryToes, you said exactly what I was thinking. I saw the inital post and opened up this can of worms to see if anyone actually answered it. One person kinda does but the rest just used the opportunity to bash Americans and Christians. The kid just asked a question. all she or he wanted was to know what the nudity consisted of. Has anyone actually seen this movie? If you have, then answer the question and keep the BS for someone who cares.


CheeryToes,you hit the nail on the head.



I never saw actual nudity. There was always an opportunnistic fig, tree branch, leave, etc., hiding it all. It's a pity, Arquette looks so hot.


So now your '23'..
I think you can see this movie now without permisssion.


Hilarious board here, I love it when I come across these, they are a good laugh. Yes OP in case you come back 8 years later you can see the movie now :')


Actually, it`s almost bizarre, considering the nature of the film, to how great a length the filmmakers go here to `hide` nudity - in Patricia Arquette`s case, that is. What`s up with it, anyway? Did she decide the amount naked flesh she displayed in Lost Highway was enough to last a lifetime?

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan

