MovieChat Forums > Antitrust (2001) Discussion > People who gave this a 10

People who gave this a 10

Do the people who rated this a 10 know that they are cinematic idiots, or are they completely oblivious to that fact?

Actually, I feel sorry for them. Because if they think this is a 10, then they obviously have never seen an actual 10. Sad. Just sad.


Hi my dear friend! Maybe you should get out more! This is just another webpage&forum on the internet... Maybe you should consider doing something a little more productive than sit here and whine about how people rate movies online? You could say "Do the people who rated this a 10 know that they are cinematic idiots, or are they completely oblivious to that fact?" about any and every movie out there, but nobody does, gee wonder why -_-


Seriosuly, when did just enjoying a movie become a *beep* crime these days. We all rate movies based on personal opinion, if you happend to think this was the best movie ever, great. If you think is the worst movie every, great. When you make fun of other people for their opinions, weither good or bad, what the *beep* kind of person does that make you. Ive seen other forums on movies do that, but this one mine as well turn into a Nazi movement. "Lets burn and kill people who dont hate what we hate"

Im not saying my personal opinion on this movie, mainly because you people dont deserve it. And to those of you who think im sad for coming to a forum to say this, are all the people who im talking about in this post. Think about it.

And people wonder why im slowly losing faith in humanity.


I consider myself to be very eclectic when it comes to movies that I like, and for this reason I don't like using stars, thumbs up, or even a single number. Instead I base my rating on whether or not the film met my expectations.

Does Not Meet - The movie did not match what I expected, felt I deserved or
paid good money to see.

Meets - The film was as good as one can expect. Nothing making it a
miserable experience, but nothing that impressed me.

Exceeds - Better than I had expected. Whether; Funnier, Better visually,
Better acting, improved plot, or interesting sub-plots or
characters. I left with a desire to see it again.

I find this to be more fair, as a film like Happy Gilmore can not compete emotionally to a film like Million Dollar Baby. Overall, I gave Antitrust an 8, but it got an Exceeds for my rating.


Sorry for having our own opinions. But I guess that doesn't matter in your world.

Are you going to suggest to me what I should be watching oh knowlegable one?



Ok, by your reckoning, the other filmgoers disagree with you, therefore they're idiots. I find this a common phenomena on IMDB. Do you stomp your little foot when people disagree with you as well?
I didn't care for the movie but it's just my opinion and I was curious to hear a different perspective. It doesn't take much intellect to call people names-perhaps you're unable to articulate your opinion properly and at a loss, you resorted to name-calling?

"Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it." Norman Maclean
