MovieChat Forums > Antitrust (2001) Discussion > THE WORST MOVIE EVER! I MEAN IT


Don't get me wrong i dislike Bill Gates as much as the next guy. But some of your comments make's me wonder did you people really saw this movie? Like before this movie i didn't really get why were they givning oscars for camera. But after this THING i realised just how much camera can be bad. Like there is scene where two guys in the suits are sitting in some ofice side by side and they are talking and all you can see are they moveing shoulders,monty-python style. And when main character talks to Gates (or whatever his name is) camera is placed behind him and it is focused on Gates and then main character leans little on the left,and prest-chango Gates is no more all we see is half of the desk while other half is totaly black. And ther is that scen in cafe whit that girl, when they are talking all you can see is peak of his nose and her hair or it was other way? I dont really remember because i supresed all memories of this JUNK.
And the wors thing is that director,cast,sponsors and all other people working on this THING sat down at the end of making it wacthed it and said "I like it i think we will go with this version. Yes definitly this version"


i liek bill gates and tootles

oh hurro!


Then you haven't seen "Hudson Hawk". That one tries too hard on a number of levels and manages to fail at them all.


I too have watched and will continue to watch a lot of movies. And now I am getting in the production side including but not limited to: sound, storyboarding, gripping, lighting, directory of photography, directing, producing, acting, editing, sountrack music... and, oddly, the visuals in this movie, and the camera work, angles, focus pulls, color lighting and all that NEVER ONCE distracted ME from the telling of the story. Not sure why the OP was so concerned about it. Perhaps they expect everything in their world to only be presented a certain way? Actually, the more accepting and adaptable someone is, the more one gets out of life.

Anyway, there are far worse movies out there as others have pointed out. This one is actually above the line of good and bad, on the good side. Presented the story, did it well, and the camera DID NOT distract or create attention to itself. At least, not for me it didn't. Never even thought about it. Not once.


one of the best movies I have ever seen


Ha, I think you are now my favorite IMDB poster and well-said, old chap!


Funny. There is always some lamebrain who says this about every movie ....just check!
I don't think you are smart enough to even understand this film which is why you don't like it. Maybe someday when you are grown up, and have some education,you will get it.
You can't even SPELL! And your grammar and usage is terrible.Stick with the Teminator movies.


I think there are a lot of people that just watch movies to just say as much crap about it as possible. I am pretty sure that is all it is. They got nothing nice to say, but to the actually crappiest movies. People like the movie, so they come and complain that it is the worst. Really? I swear people like this are looking for confrontations just for fun. Its not the movie that is the worst, its the person that say it is. This is why IMDB rating is all messed up. No stars, no voting, means it never goes up or down at all. People saying movies are worse than they really are, and then saying moves that are bad and better in their reviews. This sites rating is backwards on most of the movies. Rating system on this site should be mandatory.

I am a gore watching freak!!!

If it don't have it, it isn't worth the watch.
