Francis getting fired?

I only started Netflixing this show a few weeks ago and I'm currently at the end of season 6. At the beginning of the season it was mentioned that Francis got fire from the ranch and I was really upset about that. It sounds so unlike Otto, who is so kind and slow to anger, to fire Francis who he really seems to like. Does anyone remember why he got fired? I can only assume it was done out of budget reasons, probably also the reason Francis's subplot doesn't get seen anymore, but why did that suddenly mean he had to get fired. They could have just as easily said that the ranch was having money issues and that's why Francis was broke? I felt it was unnecessary and I was really disappointed since I really loved Otto, he was so hilarious!


all it said was the thing Francis thought was an ATM that he was putting Otto's money into was not an ATM.

Mr. Shue, let me be your Britney


I just chalk it up to lazy writing. While the plots at the ranch could sometimes be a bit boring/dull, I loved seeing Francis' transition from a carefree delinquent to a hardworking, respectable man; I felt after the ranch storyline, Francis started to regress and I didn't like that.

As for his subplots disappearing, Christopher Masterson started directing/writing some of the episodes later on (s6-7). I guess he took more of an interest in that.


Absolutely spot on. They ruined it after that


Also, Otto was the nicest guy ever and he loved Francis. I have a hard time believing he would ever fire him, as detrimental as Francis' mistake was to the ranch..


I hated that.

Otto was not the type to sue Francis and the idea of him firing him just did not line up with the character the writers had built. It seemed very lazy and out of left field.

The big moments are gonna come. You can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts.


I know this was 7 years ago but I figured I’d pass it on. I feel like it was lazy writing as a solution, but the actor who played Otto had pancreatic cancer and retired. I wish they had come up with a better story though :(


Oh that’s so sad he had cancer. I didn’t realize. I agree with you on lazy writing
