grace's comment

when she goes to do "girl talk" with the pizza and beer and she says "its light beer. and shes just gonna puke it up anyway" is this a reference to buliemia?

i never thought it was but they edited it out of the abcfamily version so it got me wondering

you live, you learn, you crash, you burn





Yes, it's making fun of how everyone thinks pageant girls or models are bullimic.

Formerly LaPrimaDonna


Either it was a reference to buliemia or Grace was just being sarcastic, consedering that Cheryl was sort of childish (and probably hadn't drink so much beer before, since her parents didn't allowed her to play with fire, remember?)


i never thought of it as a ref to bulemia... i just thought it was bc she would be extremely drunk... i guess it works that way too

**Close Your Eyes Freckles**


Had nothing to do with getting drunk...just buliemia


you sure? i always assumed it was just because she was going to get drunk.



No "E"

not hard to look it up - is free


sorry that was a typo...I know how to spell and I know the dictionary is free


This movie was peppered with throwaway lines, some better than others. I'm not sure you are supposed to "get" all of them 100%.

My favourite was during the finale of the competition when the girls are parading on stage and being introduced by Stan Fields, and he tells us that Miss R.I., Cheryl, is "a nuclear physics student with a minor in elementary particles" - or words to that effect. Hah! She's a total ditz... there were plenty others, I didn't hear them all, mostly because I was watching what was happening with the lead characters, and I think that's mostly the point, i.e. that a lot of the dialogue is intended as background and not to be taken too seriously. If you get a chance to watch it over a few times I'm sure there are be many other clever references to be picked up.


Yes, it is probably a reference to that. Many models try to stay trim by doing that *beep* In this case, it is beauty pagent contestants.


Hey! It's not a beauty pageant. It is a scholarship program.

"No talking about the environment. The environment is NOT sexy. Do NOT talk about it."





"Oh my God! You put a living room where the crack den used to be!"


I thought bulimia, because many of these girls could use that strategy. It's still a thing. It also works that she is having her first drinks and seh's gonna barf. Both can be true, all depending how the listener takes it.
