MovieChat Forums > Meet the Parents (2000) Discussion > 'Ko Samui reveal' makes no sense

'Ko Samui reveal' makes no sense

Why does Jack just stand there, while Gaylord starts yapping about 'Ko Samui'?

What an ex-spy (whether it was FBI or CIA) would do in that situation is IMMEDIATE information control.

What I mean is, instead of just standing there, blinking silently (as if THAT is his only option.. as a retired, trained spy? WHAT?), he could do ANY number of things that we have seen people do in other movies in similar situations:

- Quickly punch Gaylord in the throat with his finger (or whatever) or put his hand over Gaylord's mouth

- Tell everyone 'please excuse us, we'll be right back' or whatever, close the door on everyone else's face, quickly walk, drag or 'forcibly move' Gaylord to a FARaway location, maybe a car, maybe outside, maybe to the basement that no one else can get into once he locks it, etc. etc.

- Tell Gaylord the truth about the Ko Samui and also tell if he reveals it, he will take him 'Downtown' or 'Chinatown' (whatever that means, and whatever it was, can't remember exactly),

He could also, if those things seem too drastic, for example:

- COUGH really loud and yell EXCUSE ME while then closing the door, moving Gaylord somewhere else, etc.

- Talk back to him, explaining some OTHER way why all this is happening

- Tell Gaylord that what he is about to say is unlawful breach of national security and if he says another word, he will be jailed for 25 years (or whatever)

- USE his gosh-darn SPY reflexes and training to improves and handle a 'difficult situation' in the most effective way possible with the least amount of disturbance

Come on, he's a charismatic 'authority' on multiple levels and he just lets some loser that everyone already hates and who has lied to him and scammed the whole family talk BACK to him?


This scene makes ABSOLUTELY no sense especially considering what the movie has shown AND told us about Jack. A cop or even a darn FIREMAN wouldn't let someone talk to them like that and reveal a secret they are DESPERATE to keep!

There are SO many options, and JACK DOES NOT USE ANY OF THEM!!

For.. reasons?? WHAT reasons?!

These movies make me so mad because they not only lie to me constantly but then pull off crap like this, 'because story needs to happen', instead of giving me something that makes some sort of SENSE!

Fúck you, movie, you make no sense!


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.
