Anyone else HATE Pam???

While I agree with another thread that Greg brought most of his problems on himself, anyone else hate the fact that Pam is usually present when her Dad and her sister's husband and family are clearly making fun of and treating Greg like *beep* and she does NOTHING about it? If she really thinks he is "the one" why doesn't she stand up for him more? The worst part is that is the roles were reversed and Greg's parents were treating her like *beep* and Greg did nothing people would be calling him out for his douche baggery.

--Am I pissing you off yet?--


Thank you.

It's encouraging to see people are waking up to the misandry in the movies. The behaviour of "Pam" would be completely unacceptable in my circles.

I wouldn't trust a woman who claims I am 'the one', and yet never defends me against her family, if they attack, insult or make fun of me.

The masculine role model is completely unfair and against equality. 50% of people are expected to just handle every damn thing themselves, while the other 50% are protected (mostly by the first mentioned 50% of the humanity).

You are right in your post, and I am glad to see that the feminist brainwashing and the fema-fascist matriarchy that this world is, hasn't been able to completely destroy common sense, reason and expectation of decency, even when it comes to women.

If men are expected to protect women, the least we can expect from women is to be decent human beings. Whoever doesn't agree with this, doesn't deserve to ever talk about equality.

That being said, the movie is kind of silly, unrealistic, and faulty in more ways than one - and greg is kind of an unlikable moron, a liar, a kiss-ass, a fraudster and untrustworthy cigarette-addict that doesn't really deserve much sympathy. Without Robert DeNiro, I would probably never have watched this movie again. But it's his performance that keeps me coming back to this torture.. he is really funny in this movie.

I do have to give the movie credit for exposing how difficult it is to be a man - with all the contradictory expectations and things. Like, why is it something shameful to be a male nurse? No one shames women who are female truck drivers or female airline pilots. This shows how unequal the world and it's denizens really are (except for the animals).


No one shames women who are female truck drivers or female airline pilots.

Are you kidding me?? How would you know? Women in real life receive all kinds of harassment and c-rap for taking on jobs that aren't thought of as traditionally feminine. Just shut up.


I agree.

people look at me weirdly when I teach drawing architectural plans and interior design.

but pam was a little puppy around her father. she didn't even try to stand up to him until she had the proof of his 97th%ile mcat scores.



Agreed. Pam was very annoying. Acting like everything was okay. When it was clear Greg was having a terrible time.



B!!!tch please, i'm sick of WEAK guys like you trying to find an excuse to treat women like crap and call it "equality". Men and women are not equal. So are you saying just because women can get it in the butt and still be straight, men can too? Yeah right, any guy that wants it up the butt by his gf is a punk!



no one read your post, cunt


I suspect that she was raised as her father being head of the household and she wasn't supposed to talk back to him. Jack can be very dominating so she may have a hard time when it comes to confronting him about anything. It would have been good if she did stick up for him sooner but in the end she did.

Come visit my


I totally agree. Pam was not worth it! The fact that she had a dieting family wasn't the worst of it. Her non-intervention proved how weak and careless she was when it came to the man she was supposed to love and care for. I would've walked away even if her father came to the airport to stop me.

"You asked me to find the son of a bitch, sir. I never thought the son of a bitch would be you."


I totally agree. Pam was not worth it! The fact that she had a dirtbag family wasn't the worst of it. Her non-intervention proved how weak and careless she was when it came to the man she was supposed to love and care for. I would've walked away even if her father came to the airport to stop me.

"You asked me to find the son of a bitch, sir. I never thought the son of a bitch would be you."


The OP is absolutely right! I was thinking the same thing. I wouldn't have blamed Greg one bit if he walked early on, refusing to put up with the abuse. On top of that, she initially lied about her previous relationship with Kevin. There would be no way she would have put up being treated like Greg was and I'm sure she would have walked early on if she were in his shoes.

Thanks for pointing it out, especially since so many here have taken the time to criticize Greg.


She is the most god-awful girlfriend/fiancee ever. I wouldn't have married that chick if someone paid me. Within the first 30 minutes of this movie I was rooting for Gaylord to strangle her and dump her body in the nearest river.

- Her class full of kids are trying to tell her something so she finds it more important to answer her phone?

- While your boyfriend is being grilled by your dad and assaulted with very personal questions you sit there in silence and keep chewing your food?

- Lie about your previous relationship and withhold that he was actually your ex-fiancee? Oh, then assume that your current lover knew about it.

- Tell your fiancee to go borrow clothes from your sleeping brother who he's never met instead of going upstairs with him to introduce them first.

- It was obvious that Gaylord was having the worst time of his life with her family and their friends, she gave little to no support. Not so much as a "they were being so rude today baby and I'm going to cuss them out later. I'm so sorry..let's go do it in their bed."

- Volunteering your boyfriend to go find your dad's ridiculously spoiled cat without so much as discussing it. Hell, why not "ME and Greg will go find it?" Instead she sends him deeper into the lion's den alone to fend for himself against her family who is clearly unimpressed.

With those reasons alone she would have been toast and that engagement ring would have been returned for a full refund. I can't blame Gaylord much because he was really just a nice guy not expecting to be reamed by Pam's family. But he waited too long to stand up for himself and tell them to go F themselves.


Great list! To add to it, when Kevin gave Greg the speedo to wear, the minute she saw him in it, alarmingly uncomfortable, she should have told Kevin off, or at least suggested he give Greg some trunks, which he probably had loads of considering his wealth. It was a blatant attempt by Kevin to embarrass Greg, and she said nothing. Granted, I never understood why Greg even put the speedo on since he didn't need to suck up to Kevin, but Pam's character really blew in that scene.

Also, Greg was right to be pissed that Pam called Kevin by the nickname (Maverick) she called him when they were a couple. No man or woman should refer to their ex by the term of endearment used during the relationship, especially in front of their current relationship! That was so, so BAD.
