MovieChat Forums > Awake (2007) Discussion > Am I the only one who thought that this ...

Am I the only one who thought that this film was really good?

i thought that the storyline was really gripping, and there was so many twists to keep you on the endge of your seat. The acting was pretty good, and hey, maybe it wasn't too believable with the whole heart thing but it is a film so what do you expect. Also, the fact that it didnt involve too much gore was a welcome surprise from what i expected, and from what is so common in most modern horrors. So overall i'd definately give this 9 stars and reccomend it.


i loved it my heart was racing the entire time. This film is really underrated


Thought it was really good too, 6.5's a tad low.

Men crying is like women masturbating, a lot more do it than you think.


I thought it was a very good movie. All the actors were great, the story followed real well and there wasn't any garbled up nonsense like you see in some movies. I think it is one of those that needs to be recognized. Jessica Alba was extreme well.


well from this movie it's the first time i know that "Anesthesia awareness" exsisted and made me feel Clay's pain in the movie....
i found the story nice as well as the acting , i don't know why people are hating this so much ... i just guess that everyone has his / her opnioin about stuff

Do you absolutley despise me?
No i despise myself
For allowing myself to love you once



That's exactly why it's bashed, because Alba is in it. You know she's too pretty to act.

Someone posted earlier she isn't really a great actress but you believed she was truly in love with if she was able to do that than she did a great job.

Best movie Alba has been in...and I really do believe this is underrated.

It's easier to critique than create.


i thought it was ok it was a good idea but it went downhill just too silly the mother finds out and says nothing instead of getting the op stopped she just phones the surgeon and kills herself come on. OK but not good


Pretty good film, quite enjoyed it (7/10)


you're the only one... you're a beautiful and unique snowflake...



Why do people need to resort to name calling all of the time? Can't people just agree to disagree...what a shame!

Anyway, I thought the movie was fairly good. It's certainly not the best film I've ever seen, but I bought into the twists all the way until the end. I was so surprised to see that Showtime rated the movie ONE STAR. Somewhere between 2 1/2 - 3 stars is where it falls for me. I'm glad to see that so many people enjoyed this movie, too.

The leaves are changing colors...


I really enjoyed this movie. I wasn't expecting much but I thought it was well done.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father but through me." John 14:6


i liked it, it was a good movie and Jessica Alba did a great job.

hi haters!

"I love football, I love beer, let's not cheapen the meaning of the word." - Al Bundy



lol. Thank you for being ANOTHER person to use the term "stupid americans". That's really awesome of you! I mean me being American has SOOOO much to do with liking or NOT liking a movie AND my level of intelligence (sarcasm).

I find it really funny how idiots like you attack people for liking a movie when your stance on NOT liking a movie was never attacked or insulted. Why do you people feel the need to resort to calling people "stupid americans" (that's racism by the way) when they like something you don't? That proves who's more mature.

You call everyone that liked this movie stupid? Well I think that you are the stupid one for not being able to accept that people have different tastes than you.

If you were to have just said that you hated the movie and thought it was horrible than I would have been able to let you have your opinion. I wouldn't have challenged it like you are everyone elses.

I hope that you grow up and learn to accept that just because someone has a difference of opinion from you that they are not stupid. But to be honest I couldn't care less. You immature idiots are always fun for a laugh.


Underoathfan, I often find that many people on the IMDB boards are of the nature to profess that more than one opinion on things cannot co-exist. Although I agree with most of what you said, it is also a fact that the aforementioned types of people are not of the intellect to recognize their ignorance, no matter how many reasonable people attempt to illuminate them. Why bother wasting your breath on somebody who stereotypes an entire culture of people? They are beyond redemption.

The leaves are changing colors...


@deleverage - Actually, being a bigot doesn't exactly make you look any brighter than Americans. The joke's on you, kiddo.

Thanks for playing.

On topic: I liked this movie.


You're not alone in thinking this was a great movie, this was much better than the sixth sense. Hayden's mum's acting was utterly fantastic. A great entertaining thriller from start to finish! 9 Stars!


Some nice comments about this film and i got to agree with " imdb-ary" i found this better than the sixth sense and a really good film in general.


I just wanted to throw my vote out there that I thought it was a very good movie also.

