MovieChat Forums > Awake (2007) Discussion > Am I the only one who thought that this ...

Am I the only one who thought that this film was really good?

i thought that the storyline was really gripping, and there was so many twists to keep you on the endge of your seat. The acting was pretty good, and hey, maybe it wasn't too believable with the whole heart thing but it is a film so what do you expect. Also, the fact that it didnt involve too much gore was a welcome surprise from what i expected, and from what is so common in most modern horrors. So overall i'd definately give this 9 stars and reccomend it.


I say 7 out of 10


I really liked it! To be completely honest, at some point I couldn't listen to him screaming out of pain during the surgery. It was really great.

I rented it because of Hayden but then I really enjoyed it!



me too...but i couldn't stand the graphic stuff and just tried to look away. just the thought of this movie made me cringe but i did like that it was definitely not just about being under.


I liked this movie AND I gave it the same rating: 7/10.

"I'm here because I believe in a free Narnia."


8/10 for me - I think Hayden gets way to much negative press because of SW: Attack of the Clones (which I think is better than a 6.8 - I'd give it an 8, too, because it really made up for the Phantom Menace debacle, and Hayden had a big cybernetic prosthesis to fill..).

Re: 'Awake', this movie was really engaging, kept me entertained and surprised, so I have to give it high marks (besides, Jessica Alba playing a bad girl is worth a few extra points. I could look at her all day...) So to anyone who hasn't seen the film, do not buy into the haters, it's definitely worth watching!


agreed... i was very surprised to see how good this movie is!


the part where he's mother gave her heart was very emotional and gripping... just great!
and the twist with Jessica Alba being part of the "plan"... awsome!

good movie indeed...

('I Wish' by INfeCTeD MuSHRoOM)


i absolutely loved it!!!

soooooo awesome!

~ Tw:l:ght ~
::::Edward Cullen::::



Yep,agree with you!!!That movie had very intresting twists far more intresting than most thrillers who usually present a "sixth sense" or "fight club" twist.I ejoyed it totally!10/10

"People in these towns are sleeping.We wake them up!"Carnivale


I really enjoyed this film too.



by - jadegoddard

I know, and it's really annnoying me how people can say this is the crappest movie they've seen. It's awesome and has excellent twists. I certaintly didn't expect half the things that happened. x Thanks 4 Agreeing! x

I agree!

- - -
The difference between reality and fiction?
Fiction has to make sense.
~Tom Clancy


I really enjoyed this film and can't understand why some people hate it and call it the worst movie ever.

Sure Alba's acting wasn't oscar worthy but I truly believed she loved him up until her plot twist. I guess what helps is that I didn't read up on this film before hand or even look at the DVD jacket so I had no preconceived notion of what was to come. I loved how I was so annoyed with the mother at the begining and then so proud of her when she gave up her heart/life.



it's great


It has a nice twist and it's entertaining from start to finish


Only a complete moron with an IQ of 15 would think this is a good movie.


i loved it. it was a fantastic movie!


What?? I just saw the movie today and I though Jessica Alba was AMAZING! She was so convincing! I hadn't heard anything about the movie, didn't hear any spoilers and I never saw the twist coming! She was very cute, sincere. It's the best movie I've ever seen her in.


I agree with risingstar. Jessica was fantastic. I never would have guessed that she was in on it. This was a really entertaining film and certainly wasn't predictable.

We only want the Source. And your cows...


Great thriller,gave it 9. I really like the story and twists in it. Also, the ending is my cup of tea.
