Know this is a bit of a long shot, seeing as nobody has posted on here before, but I really wish they would bring this out on DVD, anyone else out there agree ?


You can vote for Takin' Over the Asylum to be on DVD at TVShowsOnDVD.com.

Here is the link: http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/showinfo.cfm?showID=8702

This actually works, by the way. And they will e-mail you with updates if and when the show gets enough votes.

"I'm insane. What's HIS excuse?"-Spike
I think Leigh is hungry...


Just finished watching this on DVD. Fantastic drama, great script + directing and excellent acting. This has to get an official DVD release, so come on BBC, what are you waiting for!!



Can you people who got it seed it over bittorrent??
Since it has not getting on DVD yet or is aivalaible from other sources it would not be illegal.

In addition it would set pressure on BBC to release a DVD with better quality so they can earn some money too..


I'd really like to see this series properly too. It looks so good. I never really watched it when it was first on. Where can I get a copy? I looked on eBay but it doesn't come up at all. I was hoping someone might have been selling copies from their own copies on there. I really want to see this series!!! :(

"Ack! Ack!! ACK! Aaaaaaack!"


I was looking at tennant’s flimography and I read the title of this show & I thought “well that sounds interesting!” now if only I could fine it!!!!!

“Moisturize Me, Moisturize Me” =^_^=



Hi, I remember watching this when I was 14 and thought it was superb. I remember thinking about David that he would go on to great things and his performance in the show was one thing that really impressed me. He was genuinely convincing in the role. He can't have been very old then but I have been a fan ever since and was thrilled when I realised that the Doctor was the same guy.

If they changed the music to the show it would just not be the same. The music MADE that programme (like when they were playing Hey Jude and the girl in it had taken an overdose).

It was fantastic and so well acted. I would buy a copy on DVD. I wish I could get this.


I hope they release it on dvd. i've only ever seen the clips on youtube and it looks funny as all hell.


Pick up a 3 DVD copy here for £14.45:


The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep.


I'd love to see this on DVD too. I work for the BBC correspondance dept, and when anyone says that a programme should be released on DVD we would tell them to put their suggestion in writing to:

Programming & Acquisitions Dept
2 entertain
33 Foley Street

That's just the Britsh dept though, Americans and Canadians (or anyone else) can find their nearest offices at the BBC Worldwide website (http://www.bbcworldwide.com/globaloffices.htm).

I don't know how effective this is myself as I've only ever given the address out and never sent a letter, but it's worth a try I suppose, if enough people write in.

Look at him! Look at Jeff Wode!


I'm watching it as I 'speak' - so chuffed to see it again. And now that I'm training to be a psych nurse it seems all the more pertinent.

The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep.


What is the quality like of the dvd from the site you posted the link to? I've watched the whole series on youtube but sadly episodes 2 & 3 are very out of sync. Is the dvd ok? Thanks. :)

"Ack! Ack!! ACK! Aaaaaaack!"


Quality-wise, it's very watchable - like a decent VHS copy, with the added bonus that it won't deteriorate. Send me 3 blank DVDs and a stamped, self-addressed envelope and I'll burn a copy for you.

The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep.



Is that offer open to anyone?


The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep.



The BBC are currently considering putting Takin' Over the Asylum on DVD. The company responsible for making this decision is called 2entertain and their email address is www.2entertain.co.uk A few emails from fans might move things along...


Itis finally comingout on DVD in the UK on 2nd June and can be purchased from all good retailers.


It's been put back to 9th June, hopefully it will come out though!


It's out now - my pre-ordered one from a website arrived a couple of days ago.

Heard you were swearing. Mind if I join in?


Is it? Mine got put back, will go and check the order now.



Well actually I may have got everyone over-excited for nothing.

I asked my husband to order it for me for my birthday later in June and sent him the relevant page on www.find-dvd.co.uk showing where it was cheapest to buy. This was about a week ago.

It's cheapest at www.thehut.com and lo and behold a package arrived from them to him last Saturday morning. But as it's not my birthday till the end of next week I don't know 100% that it's what I think.

So a million apologies if I'm worng and got everyone's knickers in a twist for nothing.

Heard you were swearing. Mind if I join in?


amazon just shipped mine, tho I think the most cost effective vendor next time will be sendit.com - free shipping!
won't watch it immediately, would love to hear comments on the extras and especially what has been done about the vital music!


The DVD has now been released, as of 9th. June.


so folks, what are the music cuts? I presume there are many.....


I just bought this series on DVD, having watched it once on the internet and becoming completely obsessed. Thankfully there are absolutely no music cuts! I watched the whole series in two evenings and it's still brilliant the second time around! It's great to finally have a DVD release of this amazing show! I thank all of the posters on this website for bringing it to my attention!

"Maybe I should just flip a coin, and hope that it somehow explodes and kills me." - Bernard Black


Oh, and as far as extras are concerned, there aren't many I'm afraid. It is a two-disc set, with episodes 1-3 on the first disc and 4-6 on the second. There are several commentaries from David Tennant and others, and David Tennant's original screen-test for the role of Campbell, but that's it. Still, the series alone was worth the thirteen pounds I spent on it!

"Maybe I should just flip a coin, and hope that it somehow explodes and kills me." - Bernard Black


And now they've released it, the series is being repeated in the UK starting August 23rd 2008, 1Opm BBC4


Some music was replaced by other singers doing the same song, but I think all of the songs are in there.



Just watched the BBC4 repeat. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Katy Murphy used to be on telly all the time, and I haven't seen her for ages. I hope she's still working, and that she's happy. Perfect as Francine.


She was one of many who I saw and felt I recognised, though I still can't work out where from. She made me cry in that role, I have to confess!


I realised where I knew Katy from - an ancient BBC series called The River starring David Essex as a lock keeper lol. I do remember loving it, so I guess that is why I remembered her, although I think it was pretty cheesy!


Released on dvd in Australia in February I found a copy at an ABC shop.
