MovieChat Forums > The Man Show (1999) Discussion > Terrible, Terrible show

Terrible, Terrible show

this is a terrible show, it is sexist against both men and women! zi


this is a terrible show, it is sexist against both men and women!

I originally though that, back when I was in High School. My sense of humour changed a lot since then. Now, it's terrific. Carolla is a comedy genius. Kimmell aint far behind.


Yes, it's sexist. It degrades both men and women, and makes men look like sex starved horny bastards, and women, idiots with boobs. And that, my misguided friend, is why it's funny. You aren't supposed to take it so seriously. We know that not all men are perverts, and not all women are stupid, and that is why we can appreciate the humour!

It's an onslaught of raunchy, sexist jokes (mostly, there's still Karl Malone and Oprah Jimfry). Adam Corolla and Jimmy Kimmel are geniuses, and The Man Show should be either brought back on the air, or they should release a full series DVD collection.

I'm too busy doing nothing to do anything - Matthew "Angry Midget" Emmons AKA me.



anybody that doesnt find this show funny is either too Conservative or too liberal for their own good. Good Riddance!


disagreed re the carolla / kimmel ' man show ' are unqualified classics -- unlike the lamentable stanhope-addled ' man show '

advisement : purchase the former on dvd -- excellent investment -- & watching while ' imbibing '


I wish these women would just shut their mouths and make me a pie.


I think it's good satire on the subjects of masculinity and femininity. Lighten up.



So, I'm just wondering how raunchy and sexist jokes are funny? So women with huge boobs and perverted drunkies are all we have for comedy? I'm not saying I don't like filthy and politically incorrect shows but this show is horrible!
Of course I don't take it seriously but for anyone who does think that a man is someone who drinks beer all day and watches paid women on trampolines, then they might as well be a monkey. This might as well be called "The Sexes At There Worst Show." Please, someone enlighten me on how this show ever made such waves and spare the whiny insults.


I thought the jesus foozeball was funny. But I still really don't like this show. Making these little jokes about Women being objects and Men being perverted pigs and then saying "oh but you don't get it, it's a joke", is like having someone come up and say a bunch of racist jokes and saying "oh but you don't get it, it's a joke". Sorry to piss anyone off, but it's just my opinion.


You miss the point. The show is making fun of sexist men, men who likes to call themself "Real men" and believes that women belongs in a kitchen or in the bedroom, in the same way that Larry the Cable Guy makes fun of rednecks. Making fun of, through amplified imitation.

We can't stop here! This is Bat-country!


That's a good point, but I believe that most of the crowd at the studio and some viewers at home actually believe this nonsense.


Ok, so by your logic, if a group of white people made a show about how much they hate mexicans, it's not actually a racist show, the people are just making fun of white people who hate mexicans? Ooook buddy... This show is *beep* for men and women, just like someone else said, it also makes men look like complete selfish pigs, it's bad for both genders. Complete piece of trash.


I am starting to question if you have ever seen the man show. 99.9% of the times you are laughing at the hosts.

And I have seen funny shows with racists. Like the Man Show, exagerated into such a degree that you cannot take anything that they take seriously.

At the top of the mountain, we are all Snow Leopards. -Dr. Hunter S. Thompson


"The Man Show" was possibly the best thing ever on television. Liberal pussies think it was racist, sexist, or otherwise offensive? Here's a solution: change the channel.

BTW - I haven't seen anything on it I'd call racist.


Liberals think it was offensive? So religious conservatives loved it, did they? Like hell. Please, whether or not you get this show has nothing to do with political leanings. BTW, you're right that it was possibly the best show ever on TV.

There are no stupid questions. Just questions from stupid people.


Haha Go back to the Quaker farm you grew up on.

"Surely you cant be serious.I am serious ,and stop calling me shirley!"


Come on this show sucks, well is just mediocre, not because they degrade women, who cares, but because its like all the other chicks shows only with men instead, the jokes are mediocre and that's it. The only good thing is the ZIGGY ZOGGY ZIGGY ZOGGY OI OI OI!!!! thing. It has its funny moments but those are very few and far between.


it clearly looks that you don't like women jumping on trampolines.



no its not

Brick, where did u get a hand grenade?



uh, I love sexual oriented entertainment, I just found this show to be plain boring. I don't care if it's sexist, yet, don't men love breasts? aren't there women out there who like showing 'em?

Hey, Mr. President! I campaigned for the other guy, but I voted for you!



booohooo, I don't like that there is one show for men and 3000 for women, in this age of feminism men's interest are not worth anything apparently. You should be ashamed and give all the men a big excuse. There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking women, cars, beers and fun. Go back to Oprah!
