Her stomach pain

I have just finished watching this movie for the 4th time and I still can't figure out what her abdominal pain is. I know, in one of the first scenes with her mom, her mother tries to discuss the common pain that she shared too, but Rosetta won't listen. I thought maybe it was, "her time", but unless the movie plays for months, that can't be possible. Then, being a sufferer myself, I thought maybe it was an ulcer. I know the pain; right at the bellybutton and it can be so intense when upset or stressed. Does anyone know?


Definitely it's not menstrual pain.
Has anybody noticed that she has this pain twice after drinking alcohol?


I thought that maybe she was pregnant. The way in which she applied the hair dryer to her abdomen reminded me an ultrasound.


Could actually be an ulcer! Maybe Helicobacter Pylori induced, considering all the fishes she was eating out of that nasty, totally contaminated pond. Perhaps that's taking this too far, but it would make sense.


I interpret it like she was badly beaten or even raped by someone. Like the landlord, he seemed like a creepy mofo the way he abused her mother.

Like that he abused Rosetta first but the mother found out and then "sacrificed" herself so Rosetta could be somewhat safe.

To be fair though, I watched The Impossible Picture right before this one so it could've have colored my senses.

Or, that it was severe anxiety. She did get the pain when she was really stressed out in the movie.
