The Tooth

I watched this movie a hundred times. I love it. But this last time watching it, I noticed something I didn't notice before.

When Ray is saying goodbye to Jason, Jason shows him he lost his tooth and gives it to Ray. And Ray puts the tooth in his pocket.

At the end of the movie when Ray signs the letter and puts it in Jason's pocket, he puts the tooth inside his pocket too. Jason takes it out and looks at it.

I can't believe I never noticed that before. Anyone else??


Oh yes, I noticed it and I thought it was a wonderful moment. It was so touching. I watched this moviefor the first time today after saving it in my DVR for the right moment to watch it. Loved it! I'm going to watch it again. No doubt there are things I missed that you caught during your many viewings. :)


OMG yes! I watched it with my mom yesterday. For a second I though it was a drug. But my mom said "Its the tooth" and I lost it. He kept it with him this whole time :(


I never noticed this but will be sure to watch for it now.


Touching, but sounds like Hollywood scripted.
So sad


Wow, I seen something but didn't connect it to the tooth scene.
Great catch.
