MovieChat Forums > Freaks and Geeks (1999) Discussion > Who's Your Favorite Character?

Who's Your Favorite Character?

I'm always interested to see who gravitates toward which character(s) in a cult series like this.

My favorite is Bill. There's just something oddly charming about his geekiness.

Then I like Harrison. He's hilarious.


Hands down: Harold Weir. Everything that comes out of that man's mouth hits me in the gut and makes me laugh. C'mon, he's Count Floyd, baby!


I enjoy Nick, as someone said he's smart, good looking and good at heart. Its too bad it didn't work out between him and Lindsay.


I agree. Bill all the way. He had some of the most random lines, and had such a complete deadpan delivery. Friggin' hilarious.

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Bill eventually became my favorite of the regulars. At first I lumped him in with Neal a little bit and found the extreme nerdiness a bit obnoxious, but he had a lot more going on beneath the surface than it looked at first and all his distinctive mannerisms and speech patterns made everything he did funny once you started noticing them.

I really liked Harris too, but I didn't like how they started using him in the later episodes, having him seem like just a member of the "geeks". At first he seemed like his own guy.


I must say it's Daniel. He is good looking and charming. I liked it at the end of the season when he was playing the game with the geeks and he actually enjoyed it. He also talked to Harris once at school yard and thougt he was cool. ANd not to mention the part when he was becoming a punker.


Nick and Lindsay were my two favorites. I also liked Sam a lot.


Tough Question:

Geeks: This is hard, as I like all of them. I think I like Sam and Neal, they were both really sincere and kind people without some ulterior motive. Bill is hilarious. I probably would have fallen for a guy like Sam in real life.

Freaks: Probably Nick because he was genuine and wasn't over the top rude like Dan or Kim, all the time.

I personally loved Lindsay's parents. The father was hilarious and the mother was a sweet heart.


Lindsay 100%. I can relate to her the most.

Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame.


Bill for how great a character he is and Lindsay because I find her the most relatable.


All these characters were so multilayered, it's tough to pick just one. Bill Haverchuck is one of the best TV characters ever. There are some scenes where, for a split-second, he has this all-knowing, zen-master look to him. Kim was also a great character, I thought, because despite the horrible environment she comes from, and her obvious self-esteem issues, by the end of the show she's maturing into canny adult who survives. I Netflixed this in a marathon, loved it, and I'm baffled that they could cancel it.


Favorite girls are lindsay and cindy. Favorite guys are daniel and sam. And a big shoutout to karen scarfolli, my favorite villain.


I love all of them in their own way. It's a difficult show to hate anyone because even someone as nasty as Alan gets a bit of depth to him.

The more I watched I grew to love Bill. He has a kind of wisdom and confidence about him that many of the other characters just lack. He knows that other people think he's a geek and he totally owns it and really seems to enjoy his life despite everyone else looking down on him. His spin the bottle moment made this so evident. His delivery of lines is so fantastic, and his face and eyes express a lot even when he's not saying anything.

I'm also very fond of Daniel. I didn't love him at first, but he really grew on me throughout the show. He acts confident, but really he's just an insecure kid who knows that his life probably isn't headed in a very good direction, and high school may be the best years of his life. I loved seeing a little bit of his family life too and how he acts like the leader with the freaks, but really he's just another kid who doesn't know how to deal with his family and the life that's been handed to him.

But really I genuinely love all of the cast. Even characters like Ken who I was initially pretty "blah" about I grew to enjoy by the end. It was a hard cast of characters to choose a favorite from, and that's a rare thing.
