MovieChat Forums > Fantastic Four (1994) Discussion > why does everyone love this show so much...

why does everyone love this show so much?

i mean everyone on this board virtually loves this show why? this show is basically horrible the animation sucks the story's are awful some of the voices are good others i wish their vocal cords were ripped out if you want good cartoons based on good heroes here you go



This cartoon belongs to the good old ones, and not the ones they show on our
tv now on days, it's crap all of it, this cartoon was very good action and made of god old animators that doesn't think about money when they make them.

By the way you forgot to write:

The Centurions 1986


Only the first season is as terrible as you say. The second season introduced me to the Fantastic Four, and I became a fan because of those episodes.

People can complain about season 1, but please don't lump in season 2 with the negativity.

Ben Grimm forever!



I agree with Fan_ever, season 1 and 2 are almost completely different shows! I'm almost embarassed to show anyone "The Silver Surfer and The Coming of Galactus" because of the continuity error in throwing Terrax and Fire Lord in there!


The first season of this particular Fantastic Four cartoon, along with its sister show, Iron Man, sucked.

It contained god awful animation (provided by Kennedy Cartoons and the Wang Film Corporation, who apparently had little experience at handling action-adventure shows) and character models (Dr. Doom and Silver Surfer in particular, looked atrocious), cheesy and corny humor (like that obnoxious British landlady that was voiced by Stan Lee's wife), idiotic storytelling (for example, Puppet Master successfully disguises his blind step daughter as Sue Storm-Richards) that seemed to often be resolved by Reed's latest deus ex machina-like invention, and an extremely dorky (but admittedly bouncy) sounding theme song.

It just looked really piss-poor (it just came off as strictly a cheesy kids show, that felt more at home in the '70s) when compared to other superhero cartoons of that era like X-Men, Spider-Man, Gargoyles, and Batman: The Animated Series.


I loved it as a kid, but now think it's okay
