MovieChat Forums > Titanic: Adventure Out of Time (1996) Discussion > Anyone else feel like we have our own li...

Anyone else feel like we have our own little cult?

I remember my dad buying me this game the year it was released. I was ten or eleven years old, and I could not keep my hands off anything relevant to the Titanic. The game was pretty expensive ($50), and I took it home and toured the ship for hours. The next day, I finally began the game that basically defined me as a child. I can't even tell you how many times I played it. Sometimes two or three times a night (all the way through!) My parents were divorced, and I had no license of course, so I was usually stuck at my dad's playing it over and over again. I memorized large portions of dialogue and got to the point where I could finish the game in 20 minutes.

Anyway, I came to this board and was surprised to see how many fans there are of the game. It seems like such a cult classic, and many people only bought the game because of all the hype surrounding the movie, which came out the following year.

Anyway, I'd be glad to share any thoughts I have about the game, the ship, or any maritime disaster for that matter. I always enjoy talking to a shipwreck buff (which I hardly ever run into), and would like to hear what you have to say, too!


Oh man! I'm sure this board is dead, but yes I do! I was the only one I knew who had the game, around the same age as you...I never made it very far, I'm not a very good gamer (the only two games I've beaten were Barbie and Amazon Trail....finally....when I was 19...) but this thing kept me entertained for hours. I always wished I could make it past whatever point was stopping me, and now that I'm older I'd like to try it again. Not sure if I could though, as I have a mac, not to mention probably not enough time to dedicate to it. But it's awesome to see other enthusiasts out there!


I remember my dad buying this for me as well. I was the same age as you too. I would spend hours and hours playing this. I would be up all night playing. It was such a great game. As scary as the music was it was so good and made the game really exciting. Wish I could play this again.

"Illusion Michael, A magic trick is what a whore does for money."
