Challenge 2000

Found some low quality videos on youtube. I remember watching this when it aired.

Heather B. is the best. Piggy is the worst. Heather ratting out Piggy smoking, LOL. I know I've never been addicted to anything but Piggy didn't even try to not smoke! At least David tried. Also, did anyone ever like Piggy? She just seems unpleasant to be around.

Wait...Piggy is sometimes funny. Amaya is the worst.


Thanks for the heads up, that was my favorite challenge. I liked the Road Rules format of it so much better than the subsequent elimination formats. It was just two groups of people driving around having fun and competing, none of the backstabbing, alliances and entitlement seen since then.

Heather was the best, I liked the friendship she and Amaya developed. Lol at that dwarf wrestler standing behind Amaya mocking her as she complained to the camera. The fake mission RW made for RR was great too.


I really want to explore what was going on with Los and Piggy. I think there was some racial tension there, and I wish it could have been talked about in more depth. They were both mixed, and it was probably annoying to always get paired together. And they both seemed to be going through a lot with their identity.


First, the first 2 challenges were so skewed for RR competition wise...

Beth? Montana? Neil? Jason? Janet? Nathan? All they had was Nathan he was obviously the leader, and RR had Roni and Kefla I recall. It was just stacked for RR.

2nd challenge, the same. David/Mike/Tech/Heather/Amaya/Kat V Yes/Los/Dan/Veronica/Piggy/Holly was another mis-match. RR just had stacked teams compared to RW.

Still, these were fun. No eliminations, this is what you get, enjoy. (Well, you of course get replaced if you show violence, ask Ayanna and Christian about that.)


I really loved these early challenges. While I had watched on and off the earlier seasons of Real World, such as New York, Seattle, etc, Hawaii was the first one I really sat and watched beginning to end. I liked it because it was on during the time I graduated highschool, so I felt like I was relating to them more. Those early challenges were SO different, but back then so was the Real World. There's always been a bit of over drinking of course, but I miss those early days when there was more substance than partying.

It's funny to think now, since it feels like it's been so long since Veronica has been ON a challenge, but I used to roll my eyes each first episode and go "nooo oh god, Veronica AGAIN?!?!". I remember people didn't think she'd EVER stop doing them and we're so annoyed. Now it's been years. I don't see it ever happening but i'd love them to bring back our oldschool favorites.


I actually would love a challenge that is Old School vs. New School.

The issue with that is knowing MTV. Instead of trying to get people like Veronica, Timmy, James (RR MV), Colin, Coral etc. they will make the Old School Backpack, CT, Wes, Aneesa etc. the same people we always see.

I wanna see the OLD old school people come to play again that stopped (Aneesa is an old old school since shes been there since BOTSexes but shes one of the few we still see).


Unfortunately (for us) but fortunately (for those old school players), they've moved on with their lives and have careers and families. Not to mention that they're 10 to 20 years older than they were in their prime. I absolutely love the earlier challenges but I don't want the memory of them to be spoiled by seeing the people who made those challenges so much fun to watch be just a shadow of their former selves. They'd also be mercilessly ganged up on by the new school players and would be targeted for every elimination round. Another fly in the ointment is that the veteran players would probably want big appearance fee money to leave their jobs and/or families to do another challenge. So as nostalgic as I am for those glory days of challenges, the fact is that their time has come and gone and like it or not (I don't), the challenges are now in the hands of the new breed.


Various over the hill challengers from the past would probably still be more talented and skilled than some of the current cast. lol Mark from Road Rules is in better shape than just about anyone.


Yes, he is. He's also made it known to BMP for years that he'd love to do more challenges. I heard he was on "Exes 2" but wasn't he paired up with a completely unhinged Robin? Not much chance for him there.

Darrell and Evelyn both said they'd love to do a "Duel 3" but that was a few years ago and it's become very obvious that BMP has no desire to do such a challenge. We'll be lucky if they ever take a break from these silly theme/partner challenges... most of us would love to see another big team challenge. I myself would be all aquiver at a truly individual challenge but I know that will NEVER happen so I've stopped wasting my wishes on that one.

At this point, I'd just be happy to see a cast list that doesn't include Backpack. Now that's a challenge I'd actually watch, depending on the format. If it's another partners or themed one, I really don't think I'd be interested because they seem to really be stretching the criteria for what constitutes a "rival" or an "ex".


I also wanna go back to team format, but please, have it fair like the Inferno 2 teams, cutthroat teams, Gauntlet 2 team (That was so fair, imho the big hit to RR was putting in Adam V Derrick, such a bad move. David-Ace-and sorry, Syrus imho were not what Derrick-Adam were.)

As for oldschool V New...idk, my fear is what someone else said. Backpack, Wes, etc being on "oldschool." No I'd like to see true oldschool, but this partner crap needs to end..
I also wont watch a challenge with Bananas anymore


I tried to like Piggy on her season of RR but the fact is that Susie and Christina were game for anything and I feel like Piggy was a drag. I didn't like her on the 2 challenges she was on either



I don't know if anyone is watching the current Challenge: Champs vs. Pros, but Veronica was on it. I was excited to see her, because she was a part of the challenges that I grew up loving and watching. However she got voted off the first episode. She had a real good attitude about being voted into elimination and everything. She acknowledged that she had been gone from the challenges for so long, and the people she was with were all friends who had the time to get to know one another and form alliances and friendships thus making her the outsider. When it came time to announce who was up for elimination she announced herself and joked that she was a "born again rookie."
From what I have seen on the internet a good number of the challengers from the 2000-09 era are married with families. I do wonder what happened to some of them that I haven't heard about such as Piggy, Shane, Dan to name a few. I also wonder if Julie and Melissa from the RW New Orleans ever made up.
