mini fan site

wonderful early 80s cheesefest !! of course, its a league away from the original starcrash movie, but its great to see valcuada's effects again. Darth Dayglo, the villain, is a hoot, and cheryl buchanan as bella starr ( ! ) is simply beautiful. whatever happened to her ?

a mini image gallery is up at

Where in the Cosmos did that space jockey get his license?!


OMFG!!! I can't believe the stuff you have found! I remember seeing this film when i was a kid! I thought it was great! And no one believed it existed! Now i can prove it to them! Thanks!




I'm going to have to check this out soon.


i always remember checking out what it was like, being the sequel to starcrash, and being disappointed but looking at it on youtube it doesn't seem half bad.
