how old

how old were the characters in this movie?


His character was 48. Her character was 22.


While this movie was ridiculed pretty fiercely by critics, I might still see it for my own education about why many younger women go for older men. Because hopefully I can enjoy something when I'm his age.


If you took a poll of all women and you asked them if they'd date an older man (not Richard Gere or any other hot, celebrity), only a handful would say yes. A younger woman would date an older man for the same reason she'd date any man. It's not like she's going to date a guy just because he's older, though surely there are some women that prefer older men. Sometimes women date older men for pathological reasons: they had no daddy, they had a bad dad, some kind of bad experience with their parents in childhood and they crave that attention and acceptance of a parent-figure. Almost all women prefer a man that has confidence, and perhaps and older man projects that more than some younger men. However, most women prefer to be with someone who is at or near their own age.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


Agreed, Bladerunner. Hollywood has for decades glamorized and over exaggerated the prevalence of the May-December relationship between older men and younger women. In the western world, the average age difference between men and women in relationships is 2-4 years. The glamorization of older men with younger women is just to make aging men feel better about themselves and to avoid seeking meaningful relationships with women their own age. As a younger woman, I can honestly say there are very few older men worth embarking in a relationship. Most of us truly prefer men our own age or just older by reasonable amount of years.

There are few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel.


So you're saying that couples with large age differences are always in it for bad reasons? They can't possibly be in love. Their relationship can't be meaningful. A woman just wants a father figure or somebody with money and a man just wants arm candy or they just want to feel younger. Is that what you're saying?

"When I'm sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead."


Fairly large age gap and pretty much a ridiculous premise for a romantic movie! Borderline sexist.
