MovieChat Forums > Gladiator (2000) Discussion > Quintus- bad storytelling or bad charact...

Quintus- bad storytelling or bad character?

I just don't get this guy- he's Max's friend (apparently, they seemed friendly before the first battle) but yet betrays him - from the start right up to the last five minutes?

Ok, he's a career officer- he seems to doubt Commodus throughout the film yet does nothing at any point to help Maximus? Even aid the plotters passively?

Why, only when Commodus is losing the final bout- does he order the Praetorians to ''sheath their swords'' - nothing explains this sudden and spontaneous change of heart? He never seemed scared of the Emperor, so wasn't held back via fear?

At any time, as a senior officer, he could have done small things to ease his old friend's plight?


I think the film shows that he is both not okay with Commodus by any means but is too cowardly (not from fear of Commodus himself but fear of losing his position or facing backlash from the people and Commodus loyalist) to oppose him openly and hides behind the "i am just a soldier following orders" excuse. I think there is even a deleted scene in which he says this right to Maximus. Quintus is a very 'real' character; he represents what must of us would be in such a situation; just go along with doing our job no matter how bad it got, that actually makes him a great character; I wish they would have spent a little more time with; there are a few extra scenes that actually provide a little more depth and insight to his character.

The last minute transformation I think you can see come about for 2 reasons. Commodus wounding Maximus before the fight was kind of a last straw for him but also he saw clarity Maximus was going to win anyway. Therefor it was his opportunity to get rid of the crazy SOB and not have to face any blow back from it since it is not 'him' who killed the Emperor.


Thanks, good reply.

It's just that, at Marcus's deathbed, he follows Max out of the room (not staying with the new chief), even though it's now very clear that Commodus will be Emperor, and is staring directly at him now that Maximus has stated Marcus was slain?


in that scene I think it was suggested that Quintus was pre-arranged to monitor Maximus's reaction and see if he swore loyalty to the new emperor. You can tell that by the look Commodus give Quintus as Maximus leaves the room before following him. I think Commodus 'got to' Quintus first and got his pledge of loyalty; so at that point Quintus now felt honor bound to obey his new Emperor even if he didn't want to. Of course though, I am assuming a lot based on the context; such as the way Quintus wakes Maximus and says "the emperor needs you" and more so on the look Commodus gives him; that sort of 'you know what to do' look
