disco beaver from outer space

Does anyone have a copy of this National Lampoon Classic? I would love tyo purchase it


i bought a copy of it at nationallampoon.com

it costs $25, and it is WAAAAAAAAAY WAAAAAAAAAAAY worse, than i remember.


I don't think that the website still sells Disco Beaver. I'm still hunting for a copy....


Did anyone get you a copy of Disco Beaver? I have been looking for one myself, but have had no luck. Apparently there was a laser disc available at one time.


I am also interested in purchasing a copy.. Good Luck!


I too and looking for a copy of Disco Beaver..

anyone know? Please advise

"That's Dirty Girtie! Pull her bow and she'll say hello". (Pinky Rose in 3 Women)


Well the national lampoon website doesn't sell any copies...

Someone sold 3-4 copies of this on ebay ranging from 20-30 bucks but sadly I didn't win one...

If someone can get me a copy I can make DVD's with my VHS/DVD recorder


I've been bidding on ebay for it too.. friendly competitors, I guess..

I've never seen disco beaver, feel deprived, love stuff like this, in fact bid and one on ebay (vhs, $1.00), Michael Nesmith's Elephant Parts.. also own The Groove Tube, Tunnel Vision, and Kentucky Fried Movie.. really want to see this.

Will keep trying I guess.

"That's Dirty Girtie! Pull her bow and she'll say hello". (Pinky Rose in 3 Women)


I have it on VHS (not the best copy) in its entirety, and selected scenes on Super-8. I always thought I was the ONLY person on Earth who still remembered this HBO movie. Nice to know I'm wrong. It really is a funny film. I love the song too.

- Frank


Its funny but i first got cable TV in 1980 and was 14 when I saw this... It was on late as they used to say Home Box Office will show this feature only at night. And of course they actually used to sing off back then after 12am. I do have it someplace on audio cassette as I was 14 and had no VCR until 1983 as they were a luxury item ...... even in 1983 it costs us 800$ for a vcr...... anyway im looking for this to..........


It's available on DVD at www.lostsilver.com


bought a copy on DVD through ebay but thanks for trying to help guys!


Sure thing, my pleasure.



So what?, i still like Disco Beaver.



But not the beaver.



And thus it lives.

"LSD, golly gee,
DDT, wowee!
Daddy's broke
Holy smoke
My future's bleak
Ain't it neat?"



Not to mention the groundhog from CaddyShack still boogies.

"LSD, golly gee,
DDT, wowee!
Daddy's broke
Holy smoke
My future's bleak
Ain't it neat?"



And if you said it in a Nu Yawk (Forest Hills accent) it does rhyme.

"LSD, golly gee,
DDT, wowee!
Daddy's broke
Holy smoke
My future's bleak
Ain't it neat?"


I never heard of this movie from National Lampoon, before even Animal House.

The OP here is 20 years old - are there MC posts that are older?
