Where is Hill House

One of the most famous spooky house in films is Hlll House.

I don't remember what the novel The Haunting of Hill House (1959) by Shirley Jackson said about the location of Hill House.

In the first movie adapatation, The Haunting (1963), Dr. Markway says that Hugh Crain built Hill House in the most remote part of New England he could find.

I guess that in real life, that would have been somewhere in northern Maine in the 1870s, but maybe Markway exaggerated its remoteness.

When Nell leaves the Boston garage, she sees a signpost that for the most part is correct with respect to route numbers and directions for the towns indicated. However, one sign refers to "US 50", and Nell then reads aloud her directions to take "US 50 from Boston and watch for the turn-off to Route 238." US 50 is nowhere near Boston; prior to the advent of the Interstate Highway System, US Route 50 was one of the principal highways that went straight through the middle of the country from Maryland on the East coast to California on the west coast. It is instead US 20 which begins in Boston and runs westward through Massachusetts before continuing across the country.


As far as I know US 20 doesn't cross the routes 238 nearest to Boston, in Pennsylvania, New York, and Maine.

the house in the movie Clue(1985) could be the same Hill House, if the copyright holders decided it was.

The New England mansion in the movie, "Hill House", was named after producer Debra Hill. This also has a possibly unintended similarity to The Haunting (1963), in which there is a mansion called "Hill House" that is also located in New England.

This movie takes place in New England, as revealed in the opening scenes. Soon afterwards, Miss Scarlet is picked up by Professor Plum and explains that she is on her way to Hill House, which is "off Route 41". In real-life New England, there is a Route 41 that spans the northwestern section of Connecticut, continuing through the southwestern section of Massachusetts. So, Hill House, storywise, is located in either of these two New England states.

in the loose remake film The Haunting (1999) the setting is:

Hill House, a secluded manor house in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts


That quite agrees with the clue to the location of the Hill House in Clue (1985).

And then there is The Haunting of Hill House (2018) miniseries. I haven't read any statements about its fictional location.

The interior scenes of those productions were filmed mostly at various production studios. The mansions used for exterior shots are:

Ettington Park Hotel, Alderminster, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England, UK
(Hill House-exterior)



Max Busch House - 160 S San Rafael Street, Pasadena, California, USA
(gate driveway; ballroom) (burned down on October 5, 2005)
(and also a matte painting, I think).




Harlaxton Manor, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire, England, UK
(haunted house: Hill House)



Bisham Manor, 1901 Old Young's Mill Road, LaGrange, Georgia, USA
(Mansion exteriors)


