MovieChat Forums > Thunderbirds (2004) Discussion > OH....MY....GOD.... ..WHAT......GARBAGE

OH....MY....GOD.... ..WHAT......GARBAGE

WOW. I went to see this with some friends because we were bored and OH, it is so bad. How could ANYONE like it? TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE x100000000000 acting, AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL x10000000000000000000000000000000000 script, EVEN WORSE EVEN WORSE EVEN WORSE everything else, I would recommend this film for boys aged 5-9 and any other sad geeks out there who might render it 'adequate'.



Fives minutes watching this turd on Encore was all I needed to catapult me toward the nearest toilet for a bit of upchucking. The "Spy Kids" rip-off comparison is golden. Absolutely no relationship to the TV series. "Team America", by stark contrast, is a delightfully clever gem of a film. It stands alone as the consumate antithesis to this very sad example of how not to waste your corporate resources.

Utter crap - and not unlike two year old bong water.


Funniest thing ever, I work at a movie theater. The most people to go to this movie in one showing was 12 people...................................and six of them thought they had bought tickets to see Dodge Ball, that gives you an idea of how bad this movie is!

"Hey Manny, who do you like better, me or Diego"? "'s not even close..."


I took my then 7yr old to see it. She'd seen a couple of re-run episodes and was really excited about the idea of the film.


"Daddy, why was it all about those stupid kids and not about the Thunderbirds?"

It took me a long time to explain, but I tried.


"Daddy, do you mean it was like when they put that Jar-Jar crap rabbit thing in star wars phantom menace?"

Out of the mouths of babes...


Ok, that does it. All because some of you don't like this film, that does not give you the god-damn right to trash Star Wars! They are good movies and they have nothing to do with thunderbirds. Also, all because *super-geeks* have the intelligence and creative imagination that all of you must have been born without does not give you the right to tell others something sucks or not.

Super geeks rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


All of a sudden "Battlefield Earth" doesn't seem so bad, does it? :p

America put the "fun" back into "Fundamentalism".


How can you say that Thunderbirds was aweful!? It was a great remake. Even though you may think that it was complete garbage and not worth any ones time but that is only your opinion.......
All of the people that I have spoken to about the movie so far think that it is amazing and just because you lack the part of your brain which allows you to have a sense of imagination does not mean that you should pump your personal thoughts on the film onto the internet.



It was a great remake.


A "great" remake would not add pointless characters to an already very large regular cast (why was "Fermat" needed? why!?). Nor would it reduce some of those characters to teenagers, which not only is again completely pointless and unfaithful to the original series, but also renders an already fantastical concept even more difficult to believe. Unless of course you know of any 15-year olds who can pilot rocketships.

Speaking of rocketships, why oh why are the titular Thunderbirds themselves so hideous? Only Thunderbird 3 is an acceptable design, deviating from the original without crapping all over it. And don't even get me started on FAB 1...

That, coupled with the characters irritating habit of screaming "The Thunderbirds" (It's "International Rescue" you morons ) The Hood's laughable motives (not that they were particulary sophisticated in the original either, but ROBBING A BANK!? All of that firepower at his fingertips and he decides to go and rob a bank!? ) the lack of screentime to any Tracy not named "Alan", and plenty of other problems make me seethe with rage, especially considering just how good this film could have been, without such morons behind it's production.

All of the people that I have spoken to about the movie so far think that it is amazing

And how many of them have actually seen the original television series, and love it enough to actually care when morons crap all over it? I'm betting on NONE.

you lack the part of your brain which allows you to have a sense of imagination what I'll be telling Jonathan Frakes in the unlikely event that I meet him. I honestly used to like him, he was great in Star Trek: The Next Generation and First Contact is an excellent film. But Thunderbirds has drastically altered my view of him. His ignorance and hypocritical lack of respect for an extremely popular sci-fi show is inexcuseable, as it is for anyone else behind the production of this sh*tty film.

does not mean that you should pump your personal thoughts on the film onto the internet.

"Pumping" one's personal thoughts is the whole point of this website, idiot.


[...] especially considering just how good this film could have been, without such morons behind it's production. [...]

^ this ^

Sorry it's 8 years on, but it kind of emphasises a point I want to add to what Lombax has succinctly raised here. This "film" was "it". 8 years on, and not even a whisper of a "TB 2", a remake, a re-imagining, Nothing. Not for Thunderbirds, not for Stingray, or for Captain Scarlet... This film has queered the pitch, salted the ground, cooked the geese, peed on the chips, you get the idea.

This film should have been made with great faithfulness and gentleness, instead we got dross. It will be a long time if ever anyone will be brave enough to stump up the cash and green light anything from Gerry Anderson's stable.


DoktorBeaker, New Thunderbirds coming next year, the Internet is awash with images of the craft, the island and it had a huge presence at the San Diego Comic Con...
Mini TARDIS Tales - Epic Season Finale


is this movie really rubbish cause i aint yet watched it AND I AM going to be buying the dvd is someone doesnt warn me now !!! i only watched a part at the end but the most important thing is would you reccommend it to me cause i liked the part at the end but i am not sure about the rest and anyway alll of the rest of the feedback on this movie is negative so i need that tiny bit more detail to make me stop buying this dvd i mean it can't be that bad can it or can it ....... i dont no what to think about this movie is it rubbish and would u ever watch this again cause that would be really hepful cause i dont want to end up buying a dvd thats not worth the money.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! help me decide plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[is this movie really rubbish cause i aint yet watched it AND I AM going to be buying the dvd is someone doesnt warn me now !!! i only watched a part at the end but the most important thing is would you reccommend it to me cause i liked the part at the end but i am not sure about the rest and anyway alll of the rest of the feedback on this movie is negative so i need that tiny bit more detail to make me stop buying this dvd]

Some people love it; some people hate it. It's as simple as that. I'd suggest that you either rent it first or figure that it doesn't really cost that much to buy it, so that if you don't like it, you haven't lost much on it. Also, depending on where you live, it may still be running on satellite movie channels and you can watch it for free before buying it.

For my part, it's not a perfect Thunderbirds film by any means, but it is still great fun.


As someone who grew up with and adored Thunderbirds (and so feels qualified to judge), I found it pretty good and watchable and good action for children (and for fans if they can think of it as a parallel universe remake, a bit like the latest star trek franchise)
Just seen it again on TV and its perfectly watchable and entertaining.

Its a shame, but understandable, that Gerry Anderson didn't like it though


Everyone, listen up! A remake will be made in the not too distant future! And it won't be sh*t! It's bound to happen!
why did penelope go kungfu on the bald guy?

Tom Carroll (Redge Davies)

Stop SLEDGING movies you can't beat yourself!


The movie is a bit childish in places and some of the cast can't even act.. and the guy who plays gordon doesnt look like gordon from the puppet series! And I dont remember seeing Transom and Mullion in the puppet series, and Transom is the ugliest woman i've even seen in my life! But my brother has this on dvd and I have to watch this with him if he wants me to watch it with him.. it's not too bad when i'm in the mood to actually watch it, but I prefer the puppet series to this film! (I wasnt around when they first brodcast the puppet series but i was repeated about 1999 when I was 9)

SPIDER PIG!! Loving the simpsons movie!


My friend forced me to watch this a while back and while it was godawful I actually managed to watch it all unlike Going Overboard.

You are giving me a stomach-ache in my brain!


I have to watch this with my brother when he shows the dvd to my face, and sometimes i don't feel like watching it but I have to so I don't hurt his feelings.. it's not about the Thunderbirds at all, they're trapped in Thunderbird 5 and all it's about is 3 stupid kids trying to get rid of a baddie.... soooooo childish!

SPIDER PIG!! Loving the simpsons movie!


I really, really, REALLY didn't like this film.
I liked the director, I think ol' J boy is a great guy, loved him in Star Trek:TNG, no problem with Sohia Mykes either or the man who plays Jeff Tracy (Bill Pullman I think his name is), infact the whole cast were reletivly what I imagined the characters to be like.
But I think it's a VERY poor adaptation of the TV series. I LOVED the TV series, it was brilliant, there's now way to discribe how much I really enjoyed all those weekends watching Thunderbirds, Captian Scarlet, Stingray and Joe 90 with my dad, but I have to say that this film ruined all of those happy memories for me. It should've been done completely different, less of a kiddy feel to it, less of the cliche's and NO NO NO romance!! in the TV sereis Alan and Tintin NEVER got together, it was always unspoken love THAT'S why it was good.

I think it should've been written like an episode of the original series, not as a "hip, trendy" new film.

But that's just me

Puss-in-Boots: Stop, ogre! I have misjudged you.
Shrek: Join the club. We got jackets.



I wanted to cry. My english teacher made us watch this movie and then write a charater analysis on Alan Tracy.. which I should be doing right now as she is standing over my shoulder haha.. All the characters were ridicously shallow and the conflict was so bad it made me roll my eyes. It was a movie that should have never been made, it was a waste of money and a waste of an english class, also a waste of my writing ability when I was forced to write about it.


I agree with you there, who wants to write about this film anyway? They shouldn't have made you watch this piece of crap, all it was about was 3 stupid kids (Fermat is so irritating I wanna slap him)who save the world from some bald guy and 2 ugly sidekicks (Transom... OMG the ugliest woman ever!!)! Who wants to watch this rubbish? I don't want to anymore, I'd rather watch another movie than watch this rubbish! :)

Cookies? Who told you you could eat my cookies?
Put that cookie down... NOW!!


Amen brother,amen.
