MovieChat Forums > The Sixth Sense (1999) Discussion > Did anyone go in knowing NOTHING?

Did anyone go in knowing NOTHING?

Watching this movie again, i realized that it essentially plays as if we're not even supposed to KNOW that Cole sees ghosts. The famous synopsis of the movie is actually revealed pretty slowly up until the iconic line. Now, im sure M Night assumed this would be the main marketing plot point and just wrote it as a slow-burner because thats what he envisioned, but i wonder if back in 1999 there were some people who saw the movie without knowing anything about it. They would then have gotten TWO twists.


I first watched this a year ago and had no idea of the plot twist (I'm 31, but never saw it in 99 and never really heard anything about it, or did in 99 but forgot). And yeah, it did play out like that. You don't realize until the obvious ghosts (the hanging people in the school iirc) and I didn't figure out Bruce Willis until it was revealed. Still rewatchable, but obviously after seeing it once.


I saw it about a year after it was released. I knew about the little dude seeing ghosts (because it was so widely quoted) but somehow I hadn't yet heard about the twist ending -- which is difficult to imagine happening these days, isn't it? Anyway, I was SO surprised by the ending. And I loved the fact that I was surprised by it, too. 

"My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at meee..." Stu


Me too! We've probably been living under a rock for not having this movie spoiled somewhere along the line, but God bless us for it! :p


You guys *are* lucky! I saw it the first week it was out, and afterwards we were all herded out the exit to the parking lot - not allowed back into the multiplex where people were lined up for the next screening. One of the ushers doing the herding was a student of mine; he told me that they'd been doing this since the first time it was shown, when some jerk yelled out the twist to the next audience.


what a jerk!


Funny I just watched this for the first time in a long time and thought about this same question.

I ditched school (senior in HS) to watch this movie the morning it came about. More than anything I was a bad student and just needed something to see. There truly was NO hype surrounding Sixth Sense whatsoever.

I remember going to my best buddies apartment complex when everyone got out of school and we were sitting around the tables smoking cigs and I remember saying "Guys. I think I liked this movie more than anyone will ever like this movie," assuming that this would be a forget it movie that was in and out of the theaters. Then it became a massive hit.

I had NO IDEA about the twist. People have to remember, there was no genre of the 'twist,' there was no M Night - This was just new - This was me at 11am seeing a movie in a theater with 4 other people thinking it was a waste of time ... and it was amazing. It's become a cliche and no one can ever feel or love this movie like I did at 11am on the Friday it came out, but that is one of the wonderful things about being old - and one of the sad things at the same time :)

It's too bad M Night became a joke because at the time, this blew my mind ...



People have to remember, there was no genre of the 'twist,'

Yes there was. Long before this movie came out.


"Plot twist" has a relatively low hit count @ 351 titles (with even the majority of those predating this film). I suspect that it's primarily used to define the moment where literally everything the viewer has seen up to this point is turned on its account for such a low number.

Meanwhile, "surprise ending" comes in @ 4,359 titles. Films of the Mystery genre often include this aspect e.g. once you know the ending, the mystery has been solved.

EDIT: I really should point out that neither "plot twist" nor "surprise ending" are actually film genres by any sense of the word.


I saw it knowing nothing other than 'a Bruce Willis ghost film' so i was expecting an action ghost adventure (Bruce as a wise-a$$ ghost hunter) so did not see the twist or the general slow pace/low key vibe. Was very entertained and pleasantly surprised how serious it all was.

"What are you, some kind of doomsday machine, boy?"


Saw it in the theatre and went in thinking it was a straight up ghost film. The ending was brilliant because I wasn't expecting any twist and I still say that was the best way to see it for the first time.


straight up ghost film


Is it usual in america for all 9 year old kids to see ghosts, or just after they go to a doctor?


Yes. I don't read reviews (usually) so that I can have a fresh perspective. I knew absolutely nothing about the film. I saw it right after it was released on DVD. I purposely did not speak to anyone who saw it. I always strive to be surprised but it rarely happens.

Edit: I have been watching horror since the age of 4 (Dad is obsessed). Usually my sister and I can figure out the twists in movies. With this we were pleasantly and finally surprised.

We also don't analyze every little angle on first viewing as it takes away from the film. We set the mood by watching in the creepy basement with windows open etc so we can actually enjoy them.

We like to watch as the writer and director intended us to. That is really the only way you can truly appreciate what you are "supposed" to feel.

People don't realize they ruin it for themselves by trying to pick apart every little thing as they are watching. (Unless that is their main goal of movie watching)

I hate when I figure a movie out too soon. Sure you get the "I figured it out" award but you really just lost the magic of the movie.


I had heard there was a twist but had no idea what twist...

I actually thought he was a ghost when they first showed him after the shooting, but once he had the kid's "file" - I thought - OK he survived the shooting. Later in the movie, I got involved in the sub-plots and forgot of the original shooting until close to the end...


I saw this in theaters in the first week of release. Had some small idea what to expect from movie trailers but knew nothing about the plot.


I went with a cousin and a friend to see it at a theater and had no idea what it was about, That made for the best viewing experience possible.

Insults are not necessary!
Do everything in Love. I Corinthians 16:14 NIV


I don't recall my first time seeing this movie and feel like my whole life I've always known the twist, but doesn't the trailer literally have Cole's "I see dead people" line in it? As you said, the synopsis spells it out for you as well. Whenever I watch the movie, I don't get the feeling like you're not supposed to know he sees ghosts, but instead, you're just waiting for the other shoe to drop and for him to admit it and spell out exactly what's going on. Pretty much everything that happens up until his says that makes it clear he's surrounded by paranormal activity. The cabinets, the incident in the attic, stuttering Stanley...I think the only question is WHAT exactly it is that he sees.
