Dana and Casey

I don't know if I am the only one, but after watching a season and a half of Dana and Casey's relationship build up episode after episode, I felt like it just dropped off suddenly, without any sort of real sadness or melancholy from either of the characters. Maybe it's just because I loved both of them and that I wanted to see them together so badly, but I just felt like Sorkin and crew dropped the ball on that storyline. Casey and Dana "break up" (for lack of a better word) and Dana is making out with William H. Macy in the next episode?! TEAM CASEY! lol I do realize that the series ended a few episodes later, but I think that there was definitely a chance to build on that some more, regardless.

Any one agree?


I totally agree. I just watched the entire show on Netflix and after watching so many episodes back to back, it felt like the Dana-Casey relationship arc dropped off so abruptly never to be heard from again. It made me feel ridiculous for putting so much emotional investment into them all throughout season 1. It didn't feel resolved; it just ended.


I always assumed it would pick up again in the third season. It never felt anywhere close to over.


Dana appears to be Casey's supervisor, so that would be an inappropriate relationship.
And dating someone in your workplace tends to be a bad idea anyway. You might break up with them and then things get awkward. Or one of you might be placed in a supervisorial position over them, which is a problem too.


I feel the 'thing' between them just got so loaded after dragging on for years and then the ridiculous plan to have Casey date other people for 6 months when they were finally both single at the same. And all the co-workers were vested in it too. That pressure really poisoned the 'relationship' and I think they got really sick of it so when they finally called it off I think it came as a relief to them and that's why they were over it so quickly.
