Christine in WWI Europe or Pre-war NY

Since the 3rd’s movie’s plot had Jack as a romantic rival, to even things out maybe the writers could have had Christine (Gil’s ex fiancée in Anne 2) portray a nurse at Bellevue or on the warfront. Since her dad was a doc, it makes sense she would enter the medical field as well. Maybe she tries to seduce Gil away from Anne as revenge for Gil breaking up with her or she never got over him. At the climax maybe she could go nutty or die like Jack did. Although she was a minor character, she sure was a wakeup call for Anne. I got a funny feeling if Gil had not been engaged, Anne might have reconsidered Morgan’s proposal. He was her dream man in a way, rich and charming. On the other hand, I still think she would have been homesick regardless how she felt about Gil.


I like your idea, too bad it wasn't part of the story.
