I liked it...

maybe a bit long, but ford was pretty cool
KST too, especially in the elevator-scene





i also thought it was pretty good ...but like you pointed out its a bit too long and somewhere in the middle it becomes predictable and doesnt go the whole hog and tends to disappoint...but i wont call it bad at all ...i think why people are disappointed and why such low rating is because of harrison ford and what people expect from his movies...



Well, I have COME to like this movie. I didn't think much of it when I first saw it, and must acknowledge some of its failings:

** It is too long (or maybe a bit slow)
** Some of the dialogue seems canned (note when Ford meets KST at the end in the airport ... sounds a bit like Field/Newman's dialogue at the end of Absence of Malice -- and a lot of other movies)

BUT, I find that it is one of my favorite movies to re-cap on cable. Perhaps its because of the soundtrack, which I purchased just after seeing the movie after it was first released. I LOVE the soundtrack, and although this is rare, I think the score made me like the movie more.

I think I like it more now, because there is no expectation: I just watch it for my favorite parts.

Also, I've "grown" since first seeing this movie, so maybe I can relate better to the main characters.

I love when KST tells the press towards the end, "...we are SURELY friends...we are MORE than friends ... we are surviors ..." It was thoughtful dialogue.

That said, my initial criticisms stand. On its face, I'd rate it a 5.


I agree, this was a good movie. It was kind of dreary filming but it was romantic and dramatic too.


Lovely movie!!!


I didn't like it the first time I saw it. Thought it was loooooooong. But now, after watching it a couple of times, I like it.


I think it was realistically and masterly directed. I'm very surprised by these low ratings. I thought the film was surpasing the entertainment and reaching the art.

