MovieChat Forums > My Dog Skip (2000) Discussion > Who here cries at movies with no shame?

Who here cries at movies with no shame?

I saw this movie when I was 11 or 12 with my mom. I cried from five minutes into it till about 3 hours after I got back home and was able to embrace my own dog to compensate for all the pain and emotion I bore for that wonderful dog Skip. But when you're not seeing the movie with your mother, it's hard to cry at theaters. And if I'd seen this film with anyone else, it would've been absolute hell. People tend to eye you and question you when you cry, which makes you feel uncomfortable.

Who's with me? The people who cry at movies with no shame and love it as one of the many powerful things movies can do for us!


i'm 18, and i cry everytime i see the end of the movie when skip is old and die, because he remember me of my dog who pass away 3 years ago =/


yeah man i cried and in other movies i dont care


This is actually one of the VERY few movies that have actually made me cry. Every single time I watch it.


LOL i am the opposite,I wanted to cry but my shame held me back,even though I am alone :p


I cry and i don't feel shameful because of it and neither should you. No one should appologise for feelings and having emotions, they are what gives us empathy and kindness, two of the most important virtues to have as a human being i think!!

I live in the UK and shall be going to see the movie 'Marley & Me' when it is released here on March 13th, i read the book, i have my dog Flossy who i love with all my heart so i can pretty much garauntee i will be crying at the Cinema to Marley & Me. I just hope it's not as much as when i watched A.I Artificial Intelligance, i cried so much i started to hyper ventilate! But i was at home then and was able to pause it and compose myself :) I think as long as you got someone who'll give you a big cuddle then even better

Everyone has a right to twinkle & shine like a star


I'm with you! I cry like a baby at the end of this movie, its gets me EVERY time!


There are a handful of films that get me to well up with tears, but something about dogs... cuts right through me. This film gets me every time too, and I'm not ashamed. I too think it's a quality of our humanity that allows us to feel enough to cry, and the release of that emotion is cleansing in a way. I feel a bit silly, then let it go and finally renewed somehow.

The first time for me, in a public theater, was Old Yeller. I was only 7 so I wasn't tethered to mature actions or shame. I'm glad I've reached an age and understanding that allows me to feel that way again.

Way down deep I'm very superficial.


Very well put. I rarely cry over situations in real life, but movies bring it out of me -- probably because I let my guard down. This one certainly made me cry.

I hate crying in theaters, though, especially because the sad scene is usually the end, then everyone files out. So I prefer to do it at home. All alone. And then talk about it with strangers on the Internet.


i saw this film for the first time this morning and was crying my eyes out by the end, i don't normally cry at films but if theres a little dog involved i cry like a baby! LOL


It's seems like a lot of dog films end this way. Of course, that stands to reason because dogs don't last as long as humans. And that's a crying shame!


I'm a 29 year old guy, i'm a heavy metal Drummer, with long hair and sleeve tattoos...i love heavy metal music, and horror films...i'm not the most sentive guy.....but, i have always been a dog lover....I have always been an only child, and i have had 2 dogs in my life that i loved with all my heart, I have tattoos of both my dogs on me...

anyway, I first saw this movie back in 2001 on HBO, and i cried for at least 10 minutes after I saw it....and EVERY time i have seen it since then I have cried at the end...even if i just see the last 5,6 minutes of the movie, i cry at the end......proboblly the saddest ending to a movie i can think of...


I cried myself to sleep! I did the same after reading the book which I did first prior to watching this film. :)



ME!!! I cry at movies all the time. I always grab a few napkins from concessions. My husband laughs at me ... which makes me feel bad.

I'm a dog lover and this film kills me every time. Animal movies kill me. I cannot even watch the abused animal commercials. I have to change the channel.

This is a great film.

Kelly: I'm under Evelyn Waugh.
Charlotte: Evelyn Waugh was a man.


I'm crying just thinking about this film while reading these comments!
