MovieChat Forums > Joan of Arc (1999) Discussion > One of Milla's Strongest Performances

One of Milla's Strongest Performances

For starters, I know my wishes will probably not be respected, but if you do not agree with this Opinion, please visit the "Jovovic[h] Can't Act" Thread. If you do, however, agree with this, feel free to post.

I just finished watching this movie and I forgot how amazing Milla Jovovich was in this movie. She just blew me away, with how she portrayed Joan; Especially in the battle sequences. She is undoubtedly one of the best actresses to portray Joan of Arc (for me at least).

Anyone Else Agree?



1... Go.

You Were so Beautiful, before that day. And then I heard what you said... man, that was ugly.


I agree. Her roll was to play an ambiguously insane person and she did it believably and passionately.

People tend to jump on band wagons and not think for themselves--which is a shame, cause I thought this was her best film and possibly Besson's too...

"All clues, no solutions, 'cause that's the way things are."
-The Singing Detective


I thought she was wonderful. The haters dislike her either because she is beautiful (and they are not) or because she has shown skin and immediately that disqualifies someone from having any relevance.

She may now be trapped in action movies but I'd love to see her get a meaty role like this one again.
