MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (2002) Discussion > How old were you when you saw it in thea...

How old were you when you saw it in theatres?

I was 10 years old about to graduate from elementary school. Remember it like it was yesterday. Saw it with my neighbor friend and his dad. After the movie we talked about the scenes we liked. Friend's dad said he liked the "great reflexes" scene. I also talked about scenes that reminded me of the animated series that was on Fox Kids in my earlier elementary years. I saw it in theatres again about 2 more times. Fell in love with this movie when I was a kid. Even had the toy web shooter that shot either white silly string or water. The damn thing kept breaking. The video game on Xbox was a load of fun.

The levels, graphics, the cheat codes. Spent HOURS on that game. i remember a spiderman super soaker that I wanted badly but never got. That was when superhero movie video games were good. Now they all suck.

About to turn 25 and the day I saw one of the first and best superhero movies ever still feels like it was just last week.

Sure TASM was okay, but didn't have the spark this one had. Now we have another new Soidey for the Avengers. Here's to the kids who will hopefully latch on to the new Sider-Man.


I was 12, opening day, and was kind of disappointed. I thought Maguire overplayed some of the nerdiness, the romance with Mary Jane was just OK and the action and special effects and general story were good but not as good as I expected after the Fox animated series and X-Men film.


Were you seriously that critical at 12 years old?

“If one devalues rationality, the world tends to fall apart.”


I think so, I loved the animated series and the X-Men film and those did give me pretty high expectations. There still were fun scenes, though.


I was seven or eight. Raimi's first Spider-Man was the thing that have escalated my love for the superhero genre to the new level, and it made me appreciate Spider-Man way more than I did before that. I've been reading comics since I've learn how to read, but Spider-Man was never my cup of tea. I knew all about him, I've read bunch of storylines, but he never stroke me like Iron Man or Fantastic Four did. I still think that Iron Man is a better, more interesting character (in comics). I didn't grew up with the 90's cartoon, but Raimi's Spider-Man made me appreciate Spider-Man more.


I was 8, I live in a small tourist city in Croatia and I remember my dad taking me to this old cinema that was showing it, now it's closed unfortunately.
One of the best movies ever, not just one of the best of the superhero movies, but one of the best movies in general. I remember playing Spider-man Enter Electro on Playstation 1, frickin' amazing game, I also read comics at that time.

Aah man, so many memorable scenes from this movie. I remember holding my tears when uncle Ben died when I was a kid, and the irony is that every time I rewatch the movie I sob like an idiot.

Amazing movie, and Spider-man 2 is as good, if not better.


I was 13 when it first came out and saw it, and had just turned 14 by the time I saw it for the third time in theaters.

It's one of those few films that I can only describe in a single word... magical. It nailed the perfect balance between timelessness and light-hearted whimsy, and serious drama. I was obsessed with it, and watched the DVD almost daily when it came out.

And to this day, it's one of the greatest nostalgic pieces of my past that I continually revisit, watching it at least a few times a year.

It was a huge part of my adolescence and a film (and trilogy) I will always treasure.

Sure, I liked The Amazing Spider-Man, and I adored Tom Holland's take on the character in Civil War, but for me... the original Raimi trilogy will always be MY Spider-Man.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


I was 8. Went with two of my cousins, one of said cousins' grandfather and I remember being so impressed afterwards. Me and my cousins were jumping around and talking excitedly about our favorite scenes. Brings back great memories


20 and saw it after college mid semester exams



1, 2 Freddy's coming for you. 3, 4 better lock your door.


I was 6.
And the scene where Norman injects the drug and turns into Green Goblin gave me nightmares for years.
